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As described briefly in the Project Understanding section of our proposal, SDI's approach to enterprise <br />system procurements follows a structured methodology designed to help ensure that the City's goals forthe <br />project are achieved. Provided below is our project approach and detailed work plan for new system <br />procurement. <br />• The "Initiate" phase which establishes the foundation for effective communication and the <br />successful completion of the project. <br />• The "Requirements" phase which encompasses a thorough discovery of the City's specific <br />objectives and needs to ensure all the features, functions and requirements (e.g. user, <br />interface, conversion, technical, etc.) necessary are defined and documented and <br />communicated through the resulting documents for inclusion in the RFP. <br />♦ The "RFP" phase wherein the Request for Proposal is developed to meet the procurement <br />requirements of the City. <br />+ The "Select" phase which provides the structure for a fair and organized means to complete <br />the review and decision process to select the best solution presented. <br />• The "Negotiate" phase which results in formal completion of agreements with the selected <br />ERP solution vendor and the City. <br />Figure 2 provides an overview of the phases, activities, and deliverables for our proposed methodology. <br />PHASES TASKS DELIVERABLES <br />Planning Mceling <br />1.-Work <br />® <br />Plan <br />1.2-Work Plan Development and Review <br />1-3-Conduct Project Kickoff Meeting <br />Ll - Request and Review Documentation <br />2.2 - Conduct System Requirements Workshops <br />2-3 - Document Functional Requirements <br />24 - Document Interfaces/(ethnical Requirements <br />2.5 - Document Data Conversion Requirements <br />3.Prepare DragotifyPRequest Proposal (RFP) <br />3.2 - Rewem Draft RFP With Stakeholders <br />® <br />3- <br />,n <br />3 3 - Identify and Notify Polenlial Bidders <br />3 4 - Release RF P <br />4.1 -Address Vendor Queslions <br />4.2 - Prepare Evaluation Committee <br />4.3 Conduct Initial Screening of Proposals <br />4.4 -Assist wills Review and Scoring of Pmpnsals <br />4.5-Prepare for Proof of Capabilities (POC) <br />4.6- Facilitate PQC Sessions <br />4.2 -Assist wRh Due Diligence <br />411- Prepare Vendor Selection Report <br />5.1 - Researth Prior Vendor Agreements <br />5.2 -Conduct Initial Agreement Review <br />5.3 - Facilitate Negotiation Strategy W orkshop <br />54 - Conduct Negotiation Meetings <br />5.5 - Assist in Obtaining City Council Approval <br />Work Plan <br />Kickoff Meeting Presentation <br />• Documentation Request Listing <br />• Functi�nalmnl OPeratiowl Requirements <br />• Inlerfart• and Technical Requirements <br />• Data Coinersion Requirements <br />Draft RFP <br />Final RFP <br />Vendor using <br />Vendor Question Responses <br />EvaLlation Scoring Methodology and Matrix Template <br />Evaluation Scoring Maplx 5ununary <br />POC ewon Agenda and Scripts <br />Vendor Selection Report <br />Final Agleemenl With VeolIn, <br />City Cuuncit Meeting Participation <br />In the following pages, we provide a detailed work plan outlining our tasks and the associated deliverables <br />for each task. <br />