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2 Protect Management and Coordination <br />a. Management and oversight of all assigned project activities, including, but not limited to: <br />• contract management and milestonemontionng <br />• ensuring compliance with all applicable rules and regulations <br />• managing budgets <br />• ensuring participation of all regional public safety agencies <br />• regular reporting <br />b. Assisting in the coordination and implementation of the contracting process to include the <br />development of formal solicitations (invitation for Bids, RFPs, etc.) and drafting of <br />agreements. <br />c. Providing briefings to the UAWG, UASi Steering Committee, OCIAC Fusion Center, <br />ASAUA regional stakeholder within Law, Fire, Emergency Management, and Public <br />Health, and the Santa Police Department executive management team. <br />d. Review of all required programmatic documentation submitted by grant staff and sub - <br />recipients to include project applications, EHP, state agency approvals (including but not <br />limited to Sole Source, Vehicle Approval, Emergency Operation Center approvals, and <br />Aircraft/Watercraft Approval), quarterly reports, and project budgets. <br />e. Develop reports and any other relevant documents necessary to complete the services <br />and requirements as set forth In this RFP. If requested, Projecti'Fiscal Coordinator shall <br />attend all meetings and provide such information that is requested by City personnel for <br />the purpose of monitoring the resulting contract. <br />All materials, documents, data or information obtained from the City data files or any City <br />medium furnished to the contractor In the performance of the awarded contract will at all <br />times remain the property of the City. Such data orinformation may not be used or copied <br />for direct or indirect use by the contractor after completion or ter linagon of this contract <br />without the express written consent of the City. All materials, documents, data or <br />Information, including wpfes, must be returned to the City at the end of the contract term. <br />a. The ProjectfFiscal Coordinator is the prtmarypoinW-contact on all city, state, and federal <br />mordraing visits and audits. <br />h. Preparing all documentation pertaining the requested expenditures and period being <br />reviewed. <br />c. Assisting the internal grant office and city equipment inventory review processes. <br />RFP 22-120ASA UAS1 G mrd MnagenawtSenicea <br />Page 13 <br />