ATTACHMENT ONE (Revised 06-08.16)
<br />The following matters are expressly excluded from the oovemge of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, cocle, attorneys' fees or
<br />expenses which arise by reason at.
<br />1. (a) Any law, ordinance or govemntanial regulation Qncluding bud not limited to building or zoning laws, ordlnrmes, of regulations) reatdwrg,
<br />regulating, prohibiting or ralagng Q) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of We low; tip the cherader, dimensions or location of any Imprevemmt
<br />now or hereafter erected on the land; Qiq a separation In ownership of a change In the dlmrrslons or area of the land or any parcel of vfikh
<br />the fend Is or was a part; or Qy environmental probedbn, or the aged of any vlolagon of don Imve. ordinances or governmental regulations,
<br />violation affecting thielhe extent laand has been mounted t a notice of the InIn the t ubliccrecoerNe at Date of MUM, of a defeat. Ilan, or encurtlbrance reaching from a violation r alleged
<br />y.
<br />(b) Any governmental police power mal excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a acres of the execise thereof or notice of a defect, son
<br />or eneunlbrance mauf aiii from a violation or aseged violation affecting the land has been recorded In the public records at Date of Policy,
<br />2, Rights ofaminem domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been mcorded In the public recoils ad Date of Policy, but not excluding from
<br />coverage any taking which has ooculred prior to Data of Pak which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for talus without knowledge.
<br />3. Defects. hens,encumbrances. adverse claims or other matters:
<br />(a) whether of not recordad an the public records at dale of Policy, but created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by ire Insured claimant;
<br />(b) not known to the to the Compam7 by the Insured claimant ed In the prior to public hee data the Insured dolmants at Onto of tbbecomee Mown
<br />Insured undto the o this policy and not dlsdnscM in vrtginp
<br />(c) focusing In no lose or damage to the Instead claimant;
<br />(d) creating tweeted subaoquerd to Date of Policy; or
<br />(a) retailing itt.loss or damage which would not have been sustained If the insured claimant had pad value for the Insured mortgage or for the
<br />4. Un rdbrceabilgy of the fen of the Itdumd morligage becavae or the inab0ty or failure of the insured at Date or Policy, or the lnabigy or failure of any
<br />subsequent owner at the hdehladnem, to aomply whin the applicable doing business laws ofdiastase In which the land Is ativated.
<br />6. Involitl4y or ves nferceeblsiy of the lien of the Insured mortgage, Or claim thereof, mkh arises but of the transaction evidenced by fire Insured
<br />mortgage and is based upon usury or my consumer credo proteaton ortndh In landing law.
<br />6. Any claim, Which Week out of the transaction vesting In the Insured the estate of interest insured by this policy or The transaction creating the
<br />hnemet of the Insured tender, by mean of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state Insolvency or simlar raditorarights laws.
<br />This policy does not Irmun, against lose or damage (and the Company will notpay coats. allomeye' fees or expenses) which edge by reason 0..
<br />1. Taws or assessments which am not Shown as existing Mara by the records of any taxing authority that Was Wall or assessments on real
<br />property or by the public records.
<br />Proceedmga by a pubic agency which may result In taxes W MmAmenta, ofMUMS at such proceedings, whemr or not shown by the records of
<br />such agency or by the public records.
<br />2. Any facts, tights, Interests, r claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be escadatned by on inspection of the lard or
<br />which may be asserted by persons In possesslon thereof.
<br />3. Easements, Mane orencumbrences, r claims thereof, not shown by do pubic records,
<br />4. Discrepancies, Conflicts In boundary Lne$. shortage In lima, enoreaehmems. or any other lasts which a caned suftey World diastase, and Which
<br />are not shown by the public recrds.
<br />6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptlarhs In patens or In Acts adhodxing tha Issuance thereof, (c) water rights, claims or title to
<br />water, whether or riot me maters excepted under (a), (f) or (c) are shown by the public records.
<br />6. Any lien or right to a lien tor services, labor r material nil shown by the public records.
<br />In addition io the Fxc ap6ons In Schedule B,You ate not Insured against lose, coats, ahomeys' fees, and expenses malting tram:
<br />1. Governments] policepwrer, and me exlolerue rWogtien atthose portions of any law or govamment regulation oonceMrlg:
<br />a. balding;
<br />b. zoning;
<br />c. land use;
<br />d. Improvements on the Land;
<br />e. land dMalon; and
<br />f, envintrua lal protection.
<br />This Exclusion does not limit the coverage described In Covered Risk P.m. 14, 16. 16, 10, 19. 20, 23 or 27.
<br />2. The failure of Yaw "Ung atfuzums, or any pan of them, to be constructed in accordance with applicable bulling codes. This Exclusion does not
<br />limit the ooveraga assorted ter Covered Risk 14 or 16.
<br />3. The right to take the Land by condemning ft. This Exclusion does not limit the coverage described In Covered Risk 17.
<br />4. Risks:
<br />a, that are created, allowed, or agreed to by You, whether or not dwy are recorded In the Public Records;
<br />It. that am Known loYou al the Policy Date, but nut to Us, union "are records in the public Records et the Polity Data;
<br />dad to CLTA subscribers in good standing as of the date of use. Ali other ruse we prehibfted. Reprinted under license or
<br />California LandTNe Assoclation.
<br />