<br />d.,
<br />6. Fa
<br />S. La
<br />a.'
<br />b,
<br />m
<br />7. Th
<br />In no lose to You; or
<br />:cur anerthe Polloy.Datl does not limit the coveraga dmor1bod In Covered Risk 7, 6.e., 26, 25,27 or 25,
<br />ohms Mr Your Title.
<br />area speolfc ily described and refened to In paragraph S of Schedule A; and
<br />it or2l.
<br />or as a fraudulent transfer or conveyance under federal bankruptcy, state,
<br />B. Contamination, explosion, Ore, eaoding, vibration, fracturing, ewthquaka, orsubsiderme.
<br />P. Negligence by a person or an Entity exeredaing a right to extract or develop minerals, water, or any other substances.
<br />Your Insurance forthe following Covered Risks Is bmlted on the Owner's Coverage Statement as follows:
<br />For.Covaled Risk 15, 1.8, it. and 21 Your tioduetlbloArnourd and Our Misedmuen Dollar Limit of Llabllity shown In Schedule A.
<br />Tice, deduWbta amounts and coatroom dollar limits shown on Schedule A are as followa:
<br />.. our MaMmum Donor
<br />YourfteducMaAmount Unit of Uab$ny
<br />.Covered Risk 16: t,00% of Policy Aniourd Shawn In Schedule A or $2,600.00 $10.000.00
<br />(whichever Is leas)
<br />Covered Risk Tot ,1 0%of Policy Amount Shown In Schedule A or $5,000.00 $ 26,000.0(1
<br />(wNrhaver Is leas)
<br />:Covered Rink 10: ,t- t;55% of Policy Amami Shorn in Schedule A or$5,000.00 $201)(1.00
<br />(whlrkaveris leas)
<br />,Cgvorod R(sk 21; ;. ;, ts56% of Policy Amount Shawn In Schedule A or$2,500.00 $ 5,000.00
<br />(whichever is lees)
<br />2.000 ALTA_ LOAN POLICY(0S-0'146).
<br />TIM.EoCowinp,.maitsm ale,; Naprergly,+�alclt'tilA4:horiell?s;e;o,Itae�g® pf We policy, and this Company will not pay loss or damage, aerate, unsnaps' lees. ar
<br />orgionses that arina by isracen of.
<br />' ;1::. ,,(a)..An7:Lrn, rn"�so:;w..VltAfadG, or g, trnmompl:rg0uleaan,{knclud(ng these relating to building and awning) mtricgng, mgulaomj, pfohnsiong, ar
<br />ro"Wing as
<br />( lira aCatiJt4'k:j, nsa, oY r of mho tamd;
<br />(h) Ito or b rheires?esr, dlmcr4afoY!a, t0catlon of erry improvement staled an the Land;
<br />QN'} i4in ama9dh9atan o: klrrd; a
<br />(i' emarovsvnmmS profaa0an;
<br />.. nrtpr!'a.G .I�Cf aqy y ;I#O.w+caf th�+gs; lxw}v; a,?Skuets ¢; qr gavernmerval regulations. Thin Evchoilon Ila) doss not mortify ar imit the *average
<br />ptuidded ur0ar U,nvafssd R!ak 5.
<br />(b), AnyggryammgDio3rpvBi*OPWwai'siftys Woolen 1(b) dosa not madly or 0mkth r coverage provided under Covered Rlah 0.
<br />.., ,.., "r: RigbEa.oi gmkrsrft?iamalrFT'Ads Exclurlon does rMmodlyorflmtt000vmageproNdedtindar Cowrod Risk7ar S.
<br />A. 3. Deferoa,, Ilan*, anaantvagaan, adverse claims, or otharrnatlare
<br />(s) oea48tl, sugamd, asaamod, or agreed to by Ind Irursad Claimant;
<br />(b) ngl'Known:to lhauSyplripely:,trot,rpgaNetl.ht!}pE,PNpMq Recdttls at Data of Policy, but Known to Tho Insured Coloured and not dlndaaod In
<br />.;vdtGnp to.iha 4mpgraty;by 5tp.inWm'ad Claimant prfor 10llte data Ore Insured Claimant beoame an Insured under this policy;
<br />. (a) resulting in no lose or damage to rime Insured Claimant;
<br />. (0), opec{rkrgar crg5ted:s diseque0ktq:Data.af.Poltry Qwwever, this does not modify or Unit the coverage provided under Conrad Risk 11, 13 or
<br />1e):Or
<br />r:.(e);-aesul(hpg-in:less ordamggq plat wapldhpt have been sustained If the Insured Claimant had paid voluefar the insured mortgage.
<br />•d,. Urxrdorspehfgy afrkalbRafli7e.Wpundligongagq;ireceuaq,ofBm lnahllllyar faguro clan lnsuratl Meompywidf appnsadie dpmgbualnaea lmwsof
<br />the state where the Land Is shooter.
<br />Tit— horisidityypr. monfordeabil0y4nwhola.ar In.ped of tliq;ann of The Insured Mortgage that NUN out all the brineaction evidenced by the Insured
<br />Mortgage and is band upon usulyor any consumer me& protection ortnithin{ending law.
<br />.0. .Any. clalre,by mason of the.ppafa$on 9f•{sderai.panlvOp04g,,state Insolvency, or similar aaditore' rlgNa laws, that the transaction evea Ing the Ilan
<br />of 5ra insured Mortgage, Is
<br />(a) o fmud(tw4 colweyanca er fmuduent benafar, or
<br />.(b) apreferamimtrensferforanyraasonrwtma4zdleCovered Rtskl3(b)ofihiepoloy.
<br />7. Any Ilan on the:Tinefgr met sidatn'tainie or apseaanento Imposed by govornmemal authority and created of attaching between Date of Policy and
<br />fha;dmda aP:eo*ardinp.oY 01a31msuietl,PPpOgzg@ht-@e.P,uhtiy¢eeords. We Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered
<br />Risk 11(a).
<br />- The above pdioyform mayba)eouar) to sperm alQher tnendard Coverage or Extended Coverage. In addition to the above Exclusions from Coverage, The
<br />poosp(lons.0om Cgwsoggin.a Standard Coverage policy will also tnciudo Via following Exceptions from Coverage:
<br />cDpt so ovidetidin Sschedidae by mo Part IL( tar T)hI% policy does not Irracre against loss or darrepa, and the Company vdi not pay costs. attorneys,
<br />feesA mom One —CA Ray.030&]t4 w__—
<br />® California Lend 715a Assn*tatl®e. Ali tigers n;ioN d.
<br />... Tire,u4e.ofthItFomr)gAesldQpd;0.CLTAa46±0a:Obors.Ino.ggd stending as Who date of me. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license or
<br />