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(9) <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Key issues that will impact the overall study are: <br />1. Continuous increase in cost due to current economic climate. <br />2. Santa Ana's historic effort to tackle the housing crisis is seeing an influx of <br />redevelopment projects, increasing the City's footprint. <br />III. CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS & RESPONSIBILITIES <br />I. TASK 1 - SANITATION PROGRAM EVALUATION <br />A. GENERAL <br />The City sweeps approximately 54,000 curb miles; responds to over 15,000 service <br />requests for roadway cleaning annually, 2,000 environmental sanitation/weed abatement <br />violations, and more than 1,600 reports to obstructions in the public right-of-way. <br />B. CONTENT/TASKS <br />Consultant shall review and become familiar with the operation and all pertinent <br />historical performance and financial data. Consultant shall review the following at <br />minimum: <br />a. Surrounding municipalities to establish service level; <br />b. Current and recent budgets and Annual Comprehensice Financial Report (ACFR); <br />c. Background information for the operation including existing regulatory <br />requirements, and other contractual requirements and operations; <br />d. Historical revenues, operating expenses, reserve policies (i.e., working capital <br />and renewal and replacement), approved rates and charges, customer <br />information and number of units; and <br />e. Review other pertinent data as necessary. <br />2. Consultant shall prepare an "Existing Cost of Service Summary" technical <br />memorandum or executive summary of the existing financial condition of the sanitation <br />enterprises. This summary shall identify: <br />a. The cost of service gaps or discrepancies between the existing rate structure(s); <br />b. The projected maintenance, operations and capital spending plans; and <br />c. The effects of current financial/economic climate. <br />This summary will also identify the strategy the consultant intends to use to close any <br />cost of service gaps identified. <br />C. DELIVERABLES <br />Existing Cost of Service Summary <br />a. Digital Copy (PDF) <br />b. Printed Copies (5) <br />City Council COST OF SERV1d# SAY 8/1/2023 19 <br />