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Our Approach <br />Updating your rates begins with our suite of utility rate and financial planning models that we customize to reflect <br />the City's available funds, budgeting and actual spending, customer information, and capital program. The models are <br />designed to: <br />• Identify assumptions and variables <br />• Examine historical trends and performance <br />• Forecast financial requirements <br />• Test alternative what -if scenarios <br />• Calculate cost of services for each rate/service component <br />• Determine the sufficiency of current rates to recover the cost of services <br />• Design updated rates based on cost to provide services and influence behavior <br />Our detailed approach and planning tools will allow our project team to work closely with City utility staff, finance <br />staff, and City Administration to develop and get support for a long-term financial plan. We will utilize our models in <br />interactive work sessions with City staff to review what -if scenarios and develop strategies to implement a sustainable <br />rate and financial plan. <br />Steps to a Successful Rate Study <br />There are several steps to calculating cost -of -service based rates. This section describes the ratemaking process and <br />how we will work with the City to develop rates tailored to your system dynamics, diversion initiatives, and service <br />levels. The steps also detail interaction with City staff, administration, <br />elected officials, and the public that are required to facilitate the <br />desired outcomes for your study. <br />Compile and Review Existing Information <br />We will begin our study by scheduling a kickoff meeting with our <br />team and City staff to discuss key issues, near and long-term goals, <br />and metrics that you consider to be most important to your financial <br />performance. At this meeting we will also distribute our data request, <br />discuss the items required for our analysis, and the platform we <br />will use for data transfer. <br />• Share <br />- Create Public Meetings <br />-Outreach <br />Rates <br />-Implementation <br />Fees <br />Plan -Capital Program <br />- Review Policies - Funding Strategy <br />- Discuss Goals <br />We will establish who will be involved in the process, the key members of our team and your key staff, and discuss <br />the project schedule for interactive work sessions with your staff, meetings with your Council, and final deliverables. <br />We will work with you to obtain all information relevant to understanding your existing operations and costs for <br />provision of service to customers. Once we start to receive the data, we will begin an in-depth review. We will also <br />review any other data provided and remain in contact if we need clarification prior to our first interactive work session. <br />Revenue Sufficiency (Existing Cost of Service) <br />SCS uses an interactive modeling approach that allows input from you as we develop customized financial <br />solutions. We will perform a revenue sufficiency analysis to determine the long-term sustainability of your solid waste <br />system revenues, including a 10-year financial management plan and associated plan of rate adjustments. <br />During meetings with your staff, we display the models and work with you to test multiple "what if" scenarios that <br />consider your financial sensitivity to changes in various variables. For example, we can test the impact of changes to <br />your vehicle program costs and timing, and the associated impact on operating expenses and staffing requirements. <br />For each scenario considered, we will identify the necessary revenue adjustments, including any borrowing that may <br />be required, and the associated financial, fund balance, and customer impacts. <br />We will also evaluate capital funding alternatives, including cash funding, debt funding, grants, or any other financing <br />alternatives the City is considering. The results are displayed in a simple, graphical format that allows for easy <br />comparison of scenarios. Some of the steps in this process are detailed in the following sections. <br />Expense Protection <br />To project your revenue requirements, we review your historical budgeted and executed operating expenses, all <br />planned capital improvements and associated funding sources, existing debt service and coverage ratios, available <br />i y ouncil 14 — 70 8/1/2023 <br />