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Agenda Packet_2023-08-01
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City Council (2004 - Present)
08/01/2023 Regular and HA
Agenda Packet_2023-08-01
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8/7/2023 8:10:22 AM
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8/1/2023 9:04:55 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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and recommended operating, capital, and debt service reserves, and any financial policies and reserve requirements <br />dictated by policies of the City. We will also consider your goals to address during the study, such as cash <br />reserve targets, operational changes, or hiring needs. <br />We study changes in capital and labor costs and how this will affect your expenses. Using cost escalators, we <br />estimate your future expense increases and the nature of any expenses that may be contractual or one- <br />time/temporary. As we tailor our model to your operations, we identify any other issues or questions affecting <br />financial performance to discuss with you during our first interactive meeting. <br />Capital Program Review <br />One of the largest expenditures driving the need for rate increases is the cost of capital outlay required to meet <br />current and future service needs and regulatory requirements. In addition, there are significant renewal and <br />replacement cost requirements to preserve the reliability and useful life of your equipment and other assets. The <br />City must consistently fund vehicle replacements or incur increases in repair and maintenance costs. And <br />implementing new programs often requires additional carts, routes/vehicles, or other capital expense. <br />We will perform a detailed review of your current capital program, including vehicle/equipment replacements and the <br />anticipated sources of funds available to pay for these projects. This discussion of funding is important to reducing <br />the impact of capital on rates. Recognizing this, we will: <br />• Review the level of your budgeted capital spending vs needed capital investment, <br />• Consider the priority of individual items within your capital plan, <br />• Review all restricted and unrestricted funds available for projects, <br />• Discuss timing of project expenditures, and <br />• Consider external funding sources, such as grants or loans, that may mitigate rate impacts. <br />In meetings with City staff, we will review the level of capital or types of projects the City historically cash funds from <br />rate revenues. We will evaluate the pros and cons of alternative capital funding practices, and financial considerations <br />associated with leveraging debt financing. We will consider whether the City could adapt its use of cash and debt <br />funding to maximize available cash reserves and limit risk. Working with you, we will develop a recommended <br />capital spending and funding plan for the identified capital and future capital needs. <br />Financial Management Plan <br />Based on our analysis and interactions with staff, we now have a forecast of your system growth and anticipated <br />revenues under your current rates. We also have a projection of operations and maintenance expenses, capital <br />investment, debt service payments, and the resulting fund balances in each year of the projection period. <br />The final step is to review the scenarios the City may wish to consider for project timing and funding, policy changes, <br />or sensitivity to changes in any of the assumptions used in the analysis and then develop a long-term plan of rate <br />adjustments for each scenario. Working with you, we identify the scenario that best reflects your anticipated and <br />desired outcomes while minimizing rate impacts to your customers. This plan will provide the revenue <br />requirements used as the basis for updating the structure of your rates. <br />It is important to note that the City/SCS will update this analysis at the time of the midterm review. At that time, we <br />will compare the anticipated outcomes from the rate/rate structure updates to the actual revenues and financial <br />outcomes the City is experiencing. <br />Cost of Services <br />Once the above is complete, we will analyze the City's costs to provide various services to its customers by <br />examining each line item in the budget. Our Cost Allocation Model takes the revenue requirement from and <br />equitably allocates costs to each Fee component (street sweeping, illegal dumping, right of way maintenance, etc.) <br />according to number of instances, how services are provided, and the City's current customer profile. <br />We will prepare a detailed statistical analysis of the City's recent service levels, population growth, and <br />tonnage/service level trends. By looking at several years of data, we can consider factors important to serving your <br />customers and evaluating your costs of service and potential rate structure changes: <br />• What services are provided? <br />i y Council 14 — 71 8/1/2023 <br />
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