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depending on the budget). This facility will serve as a reception area for schoolchildren coming <br />to the zoo and it will be located directly adjacent to the existing outdoor amphitheater. Different <br />sides of the building will open out to the general zoo area, the amphitheater, or staff and service <br />areas. <br />➢ Building uses: <br />• Education classroom(s) -- consider partitionable space <br />• Community room <br />• Temporary indoor exhibits for zoo visitors, i.e, table -top displays during special events <br />• Office space for education staff <br />• Office space for Friends of Santa Ana Zoo staff <br />• Storage <br />➢ Site: <br />• Located in proximity of master plan Iocation <br />• The ideal building is 6,000 square feet roughly composed of 3,000 square feet of back of <br />house, and 3,000 square feet if flex -use classroom space. A maximum of 3,000 square feet of <br />hardscape/landscape/outdoor space will surround the building. The patio can be approximately <br />1,000 square feet of the outdoor space. The intent during the design process is to identify the <br />best placement and layout within the general identified location. <br />• Accessible to amphitheater <br />• Accessible to visitors from inside the zoo <br />• Accessible from staff areas of the zoo <br />• Connectivity to future entry area (currently overflow parking lot) <br />• Adjacent to zoo offices, amphitheater, exploration outpost, and water play area <br />• Mature Ficus microcarpa nearby <br />➢ Look & Feel: <br />• Light and airy feel <br />• Windows and natural light <br />• Uncluttered <br />• Neutral palette <br />• Blend with surroundings trees <br />• Modern/subtropical feel <br />➢ Features: <br />• Indoor/outdoor space <br />• Outdoor lighting <br />• Landscaping and pathways to connect building to surroundings <br />• Pathway to future entry <br />• Unisex restroom(s) <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 23-033 <br />Page Ai-2 <br />