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5 <br />and to familiarize them with the processes of referrals and follow-up. The effectiveness of each <br />training session will be evaluated. <br /> <br />15. Management Guidelines <br /> <br />REACH supplies on request Management and Supervisor Employee Assistance Program <br />guidelines for inclusion in City personnel management guidelines. <br /> <br />16. Manager/Supervisor Consultation and Assistance <br /> <br />REACH will assist managers and supervisors calling REACHline for consultation on how <br />to deal with specific employee incidents or problems, which may require EAP intervention. The <br />City agrees to encourage managers and supervisors to take advantage of this consultation service. <br /> <br />17. Program Promotion <br /> <br />The City agrees to support REACH in developing a yearly EAP program promotion plan. <br /> <br />a. EAP orientation classes for employees in groups of up to 50 will be available to <br />the City as a means of introducing City EAP policy and procedures and utilization of <br />REACH services. <br /> <br />b. "Munch & Learn" presentations will be conducted periodically upon request by <br />the City, at City locations to maximize utilization of REACH services. <br /> <br />c. REACH brochure & REACHline cards will be supplied to the City for <br />distribution to all employees. <br /> <br />d. REACH Frontline will be electronically supplied to the City quarterly for <br />distribution to all supervisors. <br /> <br />e. will be available for online use to all employees and family <br />members. Employees will be supplied a password as mentioned on REACH employee <br />brochure for online secure area access. <br /> <br />f. REACHline Posters will be supplied from time to time to the City for posting on <br />official staff bulletin boards. <br /> <br />g. Originals of promotional materials for inclusion as short articles in internal staff <br />newsletter or as check stuffers will be supplied upon request by the City. <br /> <br />h. REACH staff will participate at the City's employee benefit fair upon request.