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6 <br />i. REACH will assist with drafting of any EAP related materials to announce REACH <br />services to employees. <br /> <br />18. Quality <br /> <br />REACH conducts on-going quality assurance audits on all aspects of the program from <br />inception to end of the contract year. REACH will supply the City with quarterly reports. <br /> <br />19. City’s Understanding <br /> <br />a. Top management support and commitment is essential to the success of the REACH <br />Employee Assistance Program at the City of Santa Ana. <br /> <br />b. REACH is a totally confidential program. The City will only be aware of <br />employees referred officially by management and information about that employee will not be <br />released without written consent of the employee. <br /> <br />c. REACH will not, in all cases, be able to resolve the employee's or dependent's <br />problem(s) in the set number of counseling sessions. In such cases the employee or family member <br />will be referred to quality, cost effective resources available within the community. <br /> <br />d. Employees and dependents will not be charged for the services provided by <br />REACH. If referrals are necessary, those referrals may result in additional cost to the City's benefit <br />plan and may result in added costs to the employee or family member. <br /> <br />e. The REACH program is made available to all full- and part-time employees and <br />their dependents. The REACH benefit starts on the first day of employment. <br /> <br />f. It is anticipated that the yearly employee utilization rate will be a minimum of 6-8%. <br />The REACH promotional program will aim at achieving at least this utilization rate. <br /> <br /> <br />III. TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br /> <br />1. The Agreement period will be from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026. <br /> <br />2. The total cost to the City for the services to be provided to the City and its employees by <br />REACH under this Agreement shall be $1.85 per full time employee per month, and <br />$1.25 per part time employee per month. While the number of persons employed by the <br />City may fluctuate from time to time during the term of this Agreement, the City agrees the <br />amount of compensation payable to REACH during the term of the Agreement shall be <br />based on the number of persons employed by the City at the beginning of the month <br />invoiced for.