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Local Guidelines for Implementing the <br />California Environmental Quality Act (2023) GENERAL PROVISIONS, PURPOSE AND POLICY. <br /> <br /> <br />2023 City of Santa Ana Local Guidelines 1-4 ©Best Best & Krieger LLP <br />1.10 TIME OF PREPARATION <br />Before granting any approval of a non-exempt project subject to CEQA, the Lead Agency <br />or Responsible Agency shall consider either (1) a Final EIR, (2) a Negative Declaration, (3) a <br />Mitigated Negative Declaration, or (4) another document authorized by the State CEQA <br />Guidelines to be used in the place of an EIR or Negative Declaration (e.g., an Addendum, a <br />Supplemental EIR, a Subsequent EIR, etc.). <br /> <br />Choosing the precise time for CEQA compliance involves a balancing of competing <br />factors. EIRs, Negative Declarations, and Mitigated Negative Declarations should be prepared as <br />early as feasible in the planning process to enable environmental considerations to influence <br />project program and design and yet late enough to provide meaningful information for <br />environmental assessment. <br /> <br />With public projects, at the earliest feasible time, project sponsors shall incorporate <br />environmental considerations into project conceptualization, design, and planning. CEQA <br />compliance should be completed prior to acquisition of a site for a public project. <br /> <br />To implement the above principles, the City shall not undertake actions concerning the <br />proposed public project that would have a significant adverse effect or limit the choice of <br />alternatives or mitigation measures, before completion of CEQA compliance. For example, the <br />City shall not: <br /> <br />(A) Formally make a decision to proceed with the use of a site for facilities which would <br />require CEQA review, regardless of whether the City has made any final purchase <br />of the site for these facilities, except that the City may designate a preferred site for <br />CEQA review and may enter into land acquisition agreements when the City has <br />conditioned its future use of the site on CEQA compliance. <br /> <br />(B) Otherwise take any action that gives impetus to a planned or foreseeable project in <br />a manner that forecloses alternatives or mitigation measures that would ordinarily <br />be part of CEQA review of that public project. <br /> <br />With private projects, the City shall encourage the project proponent to incorporate <br />environmental considerations into project conceptualization, design, and planning at the earliest <br />feasible time. <br /> <br />While mere interest in, or inclination to support, a project does not constitute approval, a <br />public agency entering into preliminary agreements regarding a project prior to approval shall not, <br />as a practical matter, commit the agency to the project. For example, the City shall not grant any <br />vested development entitlements prior to compliance with CEQA. Further, any such pre-approval <br />agreement should, for example: <br /> <br />(A) Condition the agreement on compliance with CEQA; <br />(B) Not bind any party, or commit any party, to a definite course of action prior to <br />CEQA compliance;