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Local Guidelines for Implementing the <br />California Environmental Quality Act (2023) LEAD AND RESPONSIBLE AGENCIES <br /> <br /> <br />2023 City of Santa Ana Local Guidelines 2-3 ©Best Best & Krieger LLP <br />2.04 CEQA DETERMINATIONS MADE BY NON-ELECTED BODY; PROCEDURE TO APPEAL <br />SUCH DETERMINATIONS. <br />As Lead Agency, the City may charge a non-elected decisionmaking body with the <br />responsibility of making a finding of exemption or adopting, certifying or authorizing <br />environmental documents. Any such determination, however, shall be subject to the City's <br />procedures allowing for the appeal of the CEQA determination of any non-elected body to the City <br />Council. In the absence of a procedure governing such appeal, any CEQA determination made by <br />a non-elected decisionmaker shall be appealable to the City Council within ten (10) days of the <br />non-elected decisionmaker’s determination. If the non-elected decisionmaker’s CEQA <br />determination is not timely appealed as set forth herein, the non-elected decisionmaker’s <br />determination shall be final. <br />In the event the City Council has delegated authority to a subsidiary board or official to <br />approve a project, the City hereby delegates to that subsidiary board or official the authority to <br />make all necessary CEQA determinations, including whether an EIR, Negative Declaration, <br />Mitigated Negative Declaration or exemption shall be required for any project. A subsidiary board <br />or official’s CEQA determination shall be subject to appeal as set forth above. <br />(Reference: State CEQA Guidelines, §§ 15061(e), 15074(f), 15090(b).) <br />2.05 PROJECTS RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT OF HAZARDOUS WASTE AND OTHER SITES. <br />An applicant for a development project must submit a signed statement to the City, as Lead <br />Agency, stating whether the project and any alternatives are located on a site that is included in <br />any list compiled by the Secretary for Environmental Protection of the California Environmental <br />Protection Agency (“California EPA”) listing hazardous waste sites and other specified sites <br />located in the City’s boundaries. The applicant’s statement must contain the following <br />information: <br />(a) The applicant’s name, address, and phone number; <br />(b) Address of site, and local agency (city/county); <br />(c) Assessor’s book, page, and parcel number; and <br />(d) The list which includes the site, identification number, and date of list. <br />Before accepting as complete an application for any development project as defined in <br />Local Guidelines Section 11.17, the City, as Lead Agency, shall consult lists compiled by the <br />Secretary for Environmental Protection of the California EPA pursuant to Government Code <br />section 65962.5 listing hazardous waste sites and other specified sites located in the City’s <br />boundaries. When acting as Lead Agency, the City shall notify an applicant for a development <br />project if the project site is located on such a list and not already identified. In the Notice of Intent <br />to Adopt a Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration (see Local Guidelines Section <br />6.04) or the Notice of Preparation of Draft EIR (see Local Guidelines Section 7.03), the City shall <br />specify the California EPA list, if any, that includes the project site, and shall provide the <br />information contained in the applicant’s statement. <br />(Reference: Gov. Code, § 65962.5.)