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Local Guidelines for Implementing the <br />California Environmental Quality Act (2023) LEAD AND RESPONSIBLE AGENCIES <br /> <br /> <br />2023 City of Santa Ana Local Guidelines 2-4 ©Best Best & Krieger LLP <br />2.06 RESPONSIBLE AGENCY PRINCIPLE. <br />When a project is to be carried out or approved by more than one public agency, all public <br />agencies other than the Lead Agency that have discretionary approval power over the project shall <br />be identified as Responsible Agencies. <br />2.07 DUTIES OF A RESPONSIBLE AGENCY. <br />When it is identified as a Responsible Agency, the City shall consider the environmental <br />documents prepared or caused to be prepared by the Lead Agency and reach its own conclusions <br />on whether and how to approve the project involved. The City shall also both respond to <br />consultation and attend meetings as requested by the Lead Agency to assist the Lead Agency in <br />preparing adequate environmental documents. The City should also review and comment on Draft <br />EIRs, Negative Declarations, and Mitigated Negative Declarations. Comments shall be limited to <br />those project activities that are within the City’s area of expertise or are required to be carried out <br />or approved by the City or are subject to the City’s powers. <br />As a Responsible Agency, the City may identify significant environmental effects of a <br />project for which mitigation is necessary. As a Responsible Agency, the City may submit to the <br />Lead Agency proposed mitigation measures that would address those significant environmental <br />effects. If mitigation measures are required, the City should submit to the Lead Agency complete <br />and detailed performance objectives for such mitigation measures that would address the <br />significant environmental effects identified, or refer the Lead Agency to appropriate, readily <br />available guidelines or reference documents. Any mitigation measures submitted to the Lead <br />Agency by the City, when acting as a Responsible Agency, shall be limited to measures that <br />mitigate impacts to resources that are within the City’s authority. For private projects, the City, as <br />a Responsible Agency, may require the project proponent to provide such information as may be <br />required and to reimburse the City for all costs incurred by it in reporting to the Lead Agency. <br />(Reference: State CEQA Guidelines, § 15096.) <br />2.08 RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF PREPARATION BY RESPONSIBLE AGENCIES. <br />Within thirty (30) days of receipt of a Notice of Preparation of an EIR, the City, as a <br />Responsible Agency, shall specify to the Lead Agency the scope and content of the environmental <br />information related to the City’s area of statutory responsibility in connection with the proposed <br />project. At a minimum, the response shall identify the significant environmental issues and <br />possible alternatives and mitigation that the City, as a Responsible Agency, will need to have <br />explored in the Draft EIR. Such information shall be specified in writing, shall be as specific as <br />possible, and shall be communicated to the Lead Agency, by certified mail, email, or any other <br />method of transmittal that provides it with a record that the response was received. The Lead <br />Agency shall incorporate this information into the EIR. <br />(Reference: Pub. Resources Code, § 21080.4; State CEQA Guidelines, § 15103.)