On -Call Engineering Services RFP No. 23-030-
<br />documentation of design decisions; and data collected and/or provided by others, allowing us to quickly
<br />locate project records and respond to your requests in a timely fashion.
<br />Quality Control/Qualify Assurance
<br />(QC/QA)
<br />Since our founding, Kimley-Horn has aggressively
<br />pursued a commitment to quality for every task,
<br />deliverable, and service provided by the firm. We
<br />see ourselves as an extension of client staff and
<br />place tremendous emphasis on maintaining high
<br />standards of quality from the inception of a task
<br />through completion. That's why we've developed a
<br />QC/QA manual that every project manager and task
<br />manager is required to know and use. In addition, for
<br />every project, we assign a QC/QA manager to
<br />oversee the quality control process. For this
<br />contract, QC/QA managers Frank Hoffmann, P.E.,
<br />Jean Fares, P.E., and Kevin Thomas, CEP, ENV
<br />SP will provide quality control and assurance by
<br />working with the project team programmatically for adherence to the City's preferred design, reporting,
<br />and communication standards.
<br />Services Offered:
<br />Civil Engineering
<br />Civil/roadway planning and design is a pillar of Kimley-Horn. Our team of planners and engineers can
<br />address every aspect of roadway design including intersection geometrics, utility relocations, traffic
<br />control, traffic calming, green and complete streets, signing and striping, paving design, drainage,
<br />stormwater management, retaining walls, signals and lighting, and hydraulic/hydrologic modeling. Our
<br />engineers have developed PS&E for thousands of miles of roadways and sidewalks, including
<br />neighborhood streets, rural roads, interstate highways, state highways, highway interchange structures,
<br />and urban arterials. These projects —performed for state departments of transportation (DOTs), cities,
<br />tribes, private entities, and counties —have included route corridor studies, environmental assessments,
<br />and construction sequencing. Our team consists of specialists in the latest best practices and guidelines
<br />for multimodal and active transportation networks, first and last -mile solutions, urban bikeways, transit
<br />corridors, and pedestrian accessibility.
<br />Traffic Engineering
<br />Kimley-Horn offers complete traffic engineering and design services in-house. We have completed
<br />thousands of traffic engineering and operations projects both locally and across the U.S., ranging from
<br />major area wide signal systems involving hundreds of intersections to single intersection safety audits,
<br />designs, and analyses. Traffic operations, traffic safety, and levels of service are key components in
<br />evaluating roadway networks and identifying areas for improvement as well as those warranting further
<br />study. We utilize the latest analytical tools including the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), Synchro,
<br />SimTraffic, CORSIM©, and VISSIM, to perform technical operations analyses. We have found these
<br />tools to be useful for public involvement and education. In addition, our staff can translate these analyses
<br />into easy -to -understand language for public officials as well as project stakeholders.
<br />Structural Engineering
<br />Kimley-Horn has been responsible for the design of over 700 bridges and inspection of more than 4,000
<br />structures (bridges, grade separations, overhead crossings, etc.) across the United States. We have
<br />designed bridge structures that cross canals, rivers, railroad, highways, and local streets, and
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