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Orange County WDBs 2023 Biennial Modification to PY 2021-24 Unified Local Plan <br />9 <br /> <br /> <br />During intake, case managers determine if participants can benefit from services provided <br />through more than one partner program. The intake process includes participants' <br />authorization to release information that allows sharing of specific information among <br />partners. Co-located partners use a common enrollment application to assess basic <br />eligibility across multiple programs. System partners are cross-trained and <br />knowledgeable on eligibility and program offerings of numerous programs, enabling them <br />to make appropriate referrals and helping participants navigate and acce ss resources <br />across partner programs. <br /> <br />Examples of co-enrollment strategies include enrolling individuals from priority and target <br />populations in two or more programs for which they are eligible and that address unique <br />areas of need. Co-enrollment may include enrolling veterans in WIOA Title I and the state- <br />funded VEAP program or federally-funded veterans services administered by community- <br />based partners. WIOA eligible individuals who are English language learners also often <br />participate in WIOA Title II services through which they receive ESL and other essential <br />skills training. Job seekers with disabilities may be served by a range of local partner <br />programs, such as DOR, Goodwill, and the AJCC. <br /> <br />Through community and stakeholder meetings, including those held in support of the <br />development of the original PY 21-24 Unified Local Plan, the local boards identified the <br />following areas where improvements could be made with regard to integrated service <br />delivery and a seamless customer experience: <br /> <br />• Increase cross-training on WIOA programs and services, including community college <br />and adult school frontline staff. <br />• Regularly schedule cross-training sessions to ensure staff knowledge of partner <br />programs and services is current and new staff members are trained. <br />• Improve the bi-directional referral process between local boards and all system <br />partners to improve communication and outcome tracking by: 1) increasing CalJOBS <br />referral system usage by system partners or review other systems recently adopted <br />by partner agencies; and 2) providing training to system partners on CalJOBS <br />referrals. <br />• Continue Orange County Leadership Council meetings, but create working groups of <br />partner organizations to address system issues that impede a seamless customer <br />experience. <br /> <br />As the biennial update to the Local Plan was being developed, representatives of the local <br />boards noted that progress had been made on the foregoing objectives, particularly in the <br />area of training for workforce system partner staff. As training needs are ongoing and <br />constantly evolving, the boards will prioritize the delivery of various training during <br />regularly scheduled partner meetings and ad hoc session s, as necessary. <br /> <br />Community and stakeholder input gathered du ring the process of preparing the Biennial <br />Modification to the PY 21-24 Unified Local Plan cuts across various Plan topics and is, <br />therefore, summarized in Section V. <br />EXHIBIT 2