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Item 09 - Biennial Modification to the PY 2021-24 Regional and Local Workforce Plan
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
05/02/2023 Regular & HA
Item 09 - Biennial Modification to the PY 2021-24 Regional and Local Workforce Plan
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8/10/2023 1:57:52 PM
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8/10/2023 1:57:16 PM
City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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Orange County WDBs 2023 Biennial Modification to PY 2021-24 Unified Local Plan <br />10 <br /> <br /> <br />C. One-Stop System's Use of Technology and Other Remote Strategies <br /> <br />In March 2020, the local boards' modified operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. <br />Santa Ana and Orange County AJCC/One-Stop Centers were accessible in-person (by <br />appointment) and through virtual services. Anaheim WDB provided phone and virtual <br />services to clients and collaborated with the Anaheim Central Library to support clients <br />who needed access to computers and additional in-person support. The local boards are <br />again providing in-person services at their AJCCs. <br /> <br />Hybrid strategies, a combination of in-person and virtual services, have become the norm. <br />Following the expansion of virtual services during the pandemic, the boards clearly <br />recognized that many individuals prefer to access services without going into a one-stop <br />career center location. Virtual service delivery is also effective for many individuals with <br />barriers, such as transportation and childcare. However, the local boards acknowledge <br />that virtual service delivery poses obstacles for individuals who struggle with technology <br />and do not have access to a computer or broadband service. The three WDBs are <br />collaborating with various initiatives at all levels of government to decrease the digital <br />divide. <br /> <br />Before the pandemic, the Orange County WDB began the development of a <br />comprehensive virtual One-Stop Center. While work on the project was somewhat slowed <br />during the pandemic, a fully functioning virtual AJCC will be available by late 2024. The <br />virtual one-stop delivery system will use a customized learning management system <br />(LMS) that provides local boards and AJCC partners with a single system for the online <br />delivery of services. The LMS system will help jobseekers access job search assistance, <br />training, and essential support services from any location. Businesses will be able to <br />conduct virtual hiring events and remotely access AJCC support. The system provides <br />significantly expanded access for Orange County residents, including those in remote <br />areas. <br /> <br />Services provided online during the pandemic are still available via the web and in-person <br />under the hybrid approach. Such services include orientations, workshops, and rapid <br />response events. AJCC educational partners continue to provide instruction online. <br />Workforce development system partners have also developed a blended model that <br />includes online and in-person service delivery. Some of the boards and AJCC partners <br />provide hardware resources, including internet hotspots, laptops, and Chromebooks, to <br />program participants, while others make these tools available at their facilities or <br />accessible community-based locations. <br /> <br />Another effective strategy for making workforce services widely accessible is the Orange <br />County WDB's use of a wheelchair-accessible mobile unit that functions as a One-Stop <br />on wheels. The mobile unit has twelve computers and a monitor on the outside used for <br />outdoor orientations and workshops. It is available for the boards and system partners to <br />use to serve the community. The unit is regularly dispatched to community events, <br />EXHIBIT 2
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