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Item 17 - Agreement for Design Services for New Outdoor Library at Jerome Park
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
09/20/2022 Special and Regular
Item 17 - Agreement for Design Services for New Outdoor Library at Jerome Park
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8/14/2023 2:33:43 PM
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8/14/2023 2:33:31 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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<br />2. Scope of Services and Schedule <br />Both alternatives will be accompanied by a high-level cost estimate and both will target the same budget. <br />4.2 CITY STAFF MEETING #3: SCHEMATIC DESIGN ALTERNATIVES <br />Following a two-week review period, PlaceWorks will facilitate a meeting with City staff to review the <br />Schematic DesignAlternatives and potential changes to the options before presenting them to the public. <br />The project team will also review the materials for the first community event. <br />4.3 PUBLIC OUTREACH ROUND 1: SCHEMATIC DESIGN ALTERNATIVES <br />PlaceWorks will develop and host and online survey to gather feedback on the Schematic Design <br />Alternatives. The survey will target getting feedback about site features rather than directly voting for one <br />alternative, allowing the final design to be a combination of preferred elements. Following the completion <br />of the survey, PlaceWorks will provide a concise summary of responses and recommendations for <br />moving forward. <br />4.4 DRAFT DESIGN DEVELOPMENT <br />Based on discussions with City staff and community feedback, the PlaceWorks team will develop a <br />single preferred design option, including a rendered site plan graphic with callouts identifying the project <br />components with a written description, sections showing relationship between park elements, and street <br />level renderings of site features. The package will include graphic design illustrations for the Envisionware <br />kiosk and design plans for the interactive exhibit educating the public on water conservation. <br />The draft plan will be accompanied by a lighting analysis showing the proposed lighting strategy, including <br />preliminary photometrics. The draft plan will also include a preliminary planting plan with hydrozones <br />identified and preliminary water use calculations determined. The design will be accompanied by a draft <br />cost estimate <br />4.5 STORMWATER ANALYSIS <br />Using the Draft Design Development Plan, BKF will conduct preliminary stormwater calculations and <br />work with the design team to select the appropriate low-impact design (LID) strategies to utilize in the <br />project to effectively manage all stormwater from the project area on-site. If possible, the design will <br />incorporate LID strategies to capture rainwater from the existing parking lot and treat it on-site. BKF will <br />prepare a Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan (PWQMP). In addition to the required treatment <br />of stormwater, the City/County has enacted a policy that any new project must have a zero net affect <br />on the public storm drain system. BKF will perform preliminary water quality calculations (impervious <br />areas, tributary drainage areas, storm outfall flows, BMP sizing, etc.) that are necessary to confirm the <br />preliminary planning design proposed for Design Review. <br />4.6 CITY STAFF MEETING #4: DRAFT DESIGN DEVELOPMENT <br />Following a two-week review period, PlaceWorks will facilitate a meeting with City staff to review the Draft <br />Design Development package and potential changes to the options before presenting them to the public. <br />The project team will also review the materials for the second community event. <br />4.7 PUBLIC OUTREACH ROUND 2: PREFERRED CONCEPT <br />PlaceWorks will facilitate a public meeting to present the Preferred Concept illustrated in the Design <br />Development package. At this meeting, the PlaceWorks team will highlight community input received <br />during the first round of engagement and how it influenced the Preferred Concept. <br />PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES | PLACEWORKS 2-3
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