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I. <br />II. <br />Ill. <br />IV. <br />v. <br />VI. <br />VII. <br />VIII. <br />IX. <br />x. <br />XI. <br />XII. <br />XIII. <br />XIV. <br />AMERICANS WITH DISABILITY ACT (ADA) <br />AND <br />EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (E0) LAW <br />SURVEY <br />Is there a minimum of 2 designated accessibility parking slots?/ Per Dept. of Rehab Sect. 504 YES!l2J NO□ <br />Are parking slot occupants able to reach the building's entrance for the disabled without having to go behind <br />any other cars, or any other barriers (curb, sidewalks, etc.)?_ /Per Dept. of Rehab. Sect. 504 YES[g' NO □ <br />Is. there a front door labeled with the international wheelch�ss sign? <br />Per Dept. of Rehab. Sect. 504 YESl!c) No□ <br />Is the labeled entrance's threshold not higher than½ inch to� for wheelchair access? <br />Per Dept. of Rehab. Sect. 504 YES!!] NO □ <br />Is the door-handle to the labeled wheelchair entrance door, !._1¢r handle (not a round doorknob)? <br />Per Dept. of Rehab. Sect. 504 YES� NO□ <br />If any services are available on second floor, does the building have an elev�ry Per Dept. of Rehab. Section 504 . YES□ NOQ NA[k1' <br />Does the classroom, working area, and break-room have enough room to maneuver a wheelchair and/or <br />crutches? ...../ Per Dept. of Rehab. Sect. 504 YES� No□ <br />Does the provider catalog I employee manual, contain the o�zation's Grievance Policy? <br />Per CFR Title 20, 29, 41 VES[EJ NO□ <br />Is the Grievance Procedure and contact person made available in writing to the participant on or before the first <br />day of program participation? _/ Per CFR Title 20,29,41 YES!M NOQ <br />If serving Limited English Individuals, is the grievance proced�nd procedures available in their language? <br />Per CFR Title 20,29,42 YES� NO□ <br />ls there at least one internationally labeled accessible restroomj6r the individuals with disabilities? <br />Per Dept. of Rehab. Sect. 504 YES� No□ <br />Does the toilet stall for individuals with disabilities have bars�ach side of the wall? <br />Per Dept. of Rehab. Sect. 504 YESl.\d No□ <br />Is there a telephone reasonably accessible to handicap lndiv�? <br />Per Dept. of Rehab. Sect. 504 YES[E'.I NO□ <br />Is there a water fountain reasonably accessible to disabled indi)lf6uals? <br />Per Dept. of Rehab. Sect. 504 YESIJ2j' NO □ <br />EXHIBIT 1