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statements, proof of payment, such as cancelled checks, payment confinnations, account statements, <br />paid bills, payroll records, time and attendance records, and contract and subgrant award documents (2 <br />CFR §200.101(b)(2)). SUBRECIPIENT a grees to submit the above-stated documents to the WDB <br />Administrative Office, 801 W. Civic Center Dr., Suite 200, Santa Ana, California, 92701, by the tenth <br />(10th) day of the month following the month in which SUBRECIPIENT'S services are performed. <br />Should SUBRECIPIENT fail to deliver said documents to CITY within thirty (30) days of said <br />deadline, CITY shall provide SUBRECIPIENT with written notice of such deficiency. If said <br />deficiency is not corrected within thirty (30) days of mailing such written notice, CITY shall have the <br />option to deobligate SUBRECIP IENT's funds and cancel this Agreement by giving SUBRECIPIENT <br />ten (10) days written notice thereof. SUBRECIPIENT shall either return to the CITY excess revenues <br />over costs or use such excess revenues as program income for additional training activities authorized <br />under the Act. <br />L.SUBRECIPIENT agrees to expend all funds in accordance with all applicable <br />federal, state and local laws and regulations. SUBRECIPIENT also agrees to provide, at <br />SUBRECIPIENT'S own expense, supplies and other costs of said PROGRAM. <br />M.SUBRECIPIENT shall arrange independently for an audit that includes WIOA <br />funds received from CITY, in accordance with the Act, 2 CFR 200.500. SUBRECIPIENT shall submit <br />one original of each required audit report to CITY within thirty (30) days after the date received by <br />SUBRECIPIENT. Should SUBRECIPIENT fail to comply with these requirements, CITY may, at its <br />option, withhold payment of funds, disallow funds,-or suspend additional grani-f'unds:---- <br />N.SUBRECIPIENT shall not expend funds pursuant to this A greement to provide <br />services to any participant where costs of training are paid for by any other person or entity. <br />0.SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with the provisions of Uniform Guidance 2 CFR <br />Part 200 of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (0MB) and all other applicable federal statutes <br />and executive orders and their implementing regulations, including regulations at 29 CFR Part 97. <br />P.SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with the requirements of federal regulations <br />found at 29 CFR Part 93, which provide that no appropriated funds may be expended by the recipient <br />of a federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement to pay any person for influencing or <br />attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, member of Congress or an officer or <br />employee of a member of Congress in connection with awarding of any federal contract, the making of <br />any federal grant or loan, entering into any cooperative agreement and the extension, renewal, <br />amendment or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. <br />SUBRECIPIENT shall sign a Certification Regarding Lobbying to that effect in a form as set forth in <br />"Exhibit E," attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. SUBRECIPIENT shall submit <br />said signed Certification to CITY prior to performing any of its obligations under this Agreement and <br />prior to any obligation arising on the part of CITY to pay any sums to SUBRECIPIENT under the <br />terms and conditions of this Agreement. <br />Q.SUBRECIPIENT agrees to provide a drug-free work place and to execute a Drug <br />Free Workplace Certification as set forth in "Exhibit F" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this <br />reference. <br />Page 4 of 17 <br />Exhibit 2