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R.SUBRECIPIENT, in accordance with the Child Support Compliance Act, <br />recognizes and acknowledges the importance of child and family support obligations and shall fully <br />comply with all state and federal laws relating to child and family support enforcement, including, but <br />not limited to: disclosure of information and compliance with earnings assi gnment orders, as provided <br />in Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 5200) of Part 5 of Division 9 of the state Family Code; and, to <br />the best of its knowledge is fully complying with the earnings assignment orders of all employees and <br />is providing the names of all new employees to the New Employee Registry maintained by the <br />California Employment Development Department (EDD). <br />S.SUBRECIPIENT agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of the Act, and <br />all applicable federal regulations, including, but not limited to, the Code of Federal Regulations, <br />Subtitle A-Office of Management and Budget Guidance for Grants and Agreements, as well as all <br />applicable state and local regulations. <br />T.SUBRECIPIENT agrees to remain in compliance with the Certification <br />Regarding Debarment ("Exhibit G"), as required by the regulations implementing Executive Order <br />12549, Debarment and Suspension, (2 CFR Part 180). <br />U.SUB RECIPIENT agrees to provide priority of services for veterans and eligible <br />spouses pursuant to 20 CFR Part 1010, and the regulations implementing priority of service for <br />veterans and eligible spouses in Department of Labor job training programs under the Jobs for <br />-Veterans Actpublished at 7-3Fed.Reg:-78B2 on -Decemberl9, 2008:- - - - <br />V.SUBRECIPIENT acknowledges that the official name for the statewide system <br />of providing employment and training through the WIOA partnerships and various other local <br />programs is "America's Job Center". To achieve the goals of this grant, it is important that the public <br />has a quick and easy method to identify that the projects or programs they are taking part in are part of <br />the "America's Job Center". SUBRECIPIENT agrees to place the America's Job Center logo, in <br />accordance with the State of California guidelines for such use, on all public materials, such as <br />statements, press releases, brochures, advertisements, reports and other documents describing projects <br />or programs funded in whole or in part with WIOA funds. When the America's Job Center logo is <br />used, SUBRECIPIENT may accompany it with the following statement, "The (Program Name) is a <br />proud partner of the America's Job Center network". SUBRECIPIENT shall not use the America's Job <br />Center logo in any manner that would imply that the State of California endorses a commercial <br />product, service or activity. <br />II. <br />CITY'S OBLIGATIONS <br />A.On May 25, 2022, the CITY was awarded a Department of Labor Workforce Innovation and <br />Opportunity Act youth grant of $881,063.00 for fiscal year 2022-2023. CITY agrees to pay to <br />SUBRECIPIENT when, if and to the extent federal funds are received under the provisions of the Act a <br />sum not to exceed $262,000.00 for SUBRECIPIENT'S performance in accordance with the Budget <br />attached hereto as "Exhibit D" and incorporated herein by reference, during the period of this <br />Agreement. Said sum shall be paid after CITY receives invoices submitted by SUBRECIPIENT as <br />provided hereinabove. <br />Page 5 of 17 <br />Exhibit 2