2.Proposed Program (1 page max)
<br />Youth will enroll in the Orange County Conservation Corps' program for services in the
<br />following (5) types of measurable skill gains: educational skill advancement, occupational skill
<br />training, high school diploma services, individualized paid job training, and post-second ary
<br />educational achievement. Each youth enrolled will develop an individual service strategy (ISS)
<br />in direct coordination with an OCCC Program Specialist. The timeline of services will consist of
<br />up to 12 months' direct service. Each participant will also be eligible for 12-months post exit
<br />follow up services. Youth services are designed to overcome significant barriers not otherwise
<br />met within the traditional community assessment of needs. OCCC has extensi ve history serving
<br />youth participants with severe barriers. Services include but are not limited to: recruitment,
<br />screening, assessment and linkages, case management, ISS, orientation, enrollment, paid job
<br />training, certifications, competitive employment, educational services, supportive services, skill
<br />attainment, and service provisions with individualized target outcomes for each participant.
<br />Corpsmembers approach the program in 4-phases ofleadership devel opment. Upon successful
<br />completion of comprehensive service goals, youth experience transfonnational personal growth,
<br />post-secondary educational gains, and increased wages through competitive employment.
<br />To assist Corpsmembers in overcoming th e barriers and complete the WIOA program
<br />successfully, the OCCC Program Specialist will identify connnunity partnerships and resources
<br />which are available and can provide appropriate service to the participant, i.e. Anaheim Housing
<br />Authority, Project Kinship (Conviction Sentence Reduction), Volunteers of America,
<br />Deparhnent of Child Support Services, OC Head Start (C hild Care), Drng and Akohol treahnent
<br />programs, community health care services, School's First Outreach Team (Financial Literacy),
<br />Anaheim Workforce Center, CalWORKS, DMV, etc). Support services are critical to help ensure
<br />Corpsmembers are able to obtain and maintain employment Post-Corp. These include bus passes,
<br />gas cards, housing assistance, childcare assistance and more. The OCCC program design is
<br />comprehensive and coordinates services for at-risk youth through extensive network of
<br />community partners who provide services as in-kind support.
<br />•Program Specialist will be responsible for coordinating outside support services with
<br />local agencies and community partners
<br />•Meetings with collaborating agencies will be scheduled monthly to rev iew and coordinate
<br />support services with partnering agencies
<br />•Semi-monthly Program Department meetings will include community partner
<br />presentations
<br />The OCCC's Program Specialist, in coordination with the WIOA participant, are mentors to our
<br />youth. Program Specialist will develop the youth's ISS inclusive of assessment results, work
<br />readiness evaluation, ONET and counseling and guidance for personal needs and potential
<br />barriers to success. Case managers will review Individual Educational Plans (IEP), help in
<br />requesting previous transcripts from high schools, and conduct work readiness pre and post-tests.
<br />Corpsmembers receive extensive training in "Green" technologies and projects that address
<br />critical state needs, including natural resources and land management, energy and climate
<br />programs, emergency response and disaster relief, recycling and land diversion progran1s, and
<br />active transportation development.
<br />Exhibit 2