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15.WIOA Performance Indicators (3 pages max) <br />OCCC has a rigorous 15-point recruitment plan to meet the (23) youth enrolled by December <br />31 st , 2022. Once a Santa Ana resident youth ( or homeless youth) enters facilities, the screening, <br />assessment and linkages process takes place with Mr. Garcia as follows: <br />1.Prospective participant completes and submits the Orange County Conservation Corps <br />online application or walk in applic ation. <br />2.The Intake/pre-screening process begins. The Program Specialist determines eligibility <br />for the Santa Ana WIOA Youth Program. <br />3.Topics discussed during the intalce process are as follows: eligibility requirements for <br />program services; what each youth expects upon arrival; an overview of the program mission; <br />expected results/outcomes (employment, obtaining credentials, higher education attainment) and <br />a description of both the youth's and case managers' responsibilities. <br />4.During the intake process, the Program Specialist has the opportunity to discuss <br />important issues in detail and identify the youth's goals. Program Specialist conducts an <br />interview using a questionnaire. <br />5.Once the youth is deemed eligible to be enrolled in the WIOA youth program, <br />registration in Ca!Jobs and selective services is verified. If youth is not enrolled in CalJobs or <br />selective services Program Specialist assists in registration as necessary. <br />6.Program Specialist will then go over eligibility checklist and determine what documents <br />the youth should bring to the next appointment to process enrollment e.g. parenting youth <br />(children's birth certificate or social security card), disability (IEP/504 plan form), emancipated <br />or foster youth letter, pregnancy (doctors note), homeless (individual statement, written <br />statement from shelter or social service agency and applicant statement as a last resort), <br />substance abuse (a letter from a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program) and offender (self­ <br />certification, applicant statement, court documents). <br />7.Program Specialist provides the youth an orientation information packet with work <br />responsibilities and expectations. <br />8.If youth is a High School drop-out, the Program Specialist assists youth in requesting <br />unofficial transcripts. <br />9.Program Specialist meets with youth to process enrollment. The following forms are <br />provided to the youth to be signed and completed: Eligibility Checklist, WIOA application, pre­ <br />application, program overview form, Equal opportunity form, grievance form, Information <br />release authorization form, program overview form and high poverty index area determination <br />using Census Tracts), selective service print-out, right to work documents (ID, SSC, Birth Cert, <br />and or/passport), proof of income (if applicable), applicant statement (if applicable), objective <br />assessment (TABE Test), other eligibility Docs. <br />10.The youth completes an Individual Service Strategy (ISS); which allows the youth to <br />identify their interests and goals, skills and abilities and personal characteristics. The youth <br />completes an objective assessment (TABE test) of literacy and numeracy skills and the ONET, <br />Work Readiness pre-test. <br />11.Once completed, the Program Specialist provides the eligibility forms to the City of Santa <br />Ana for approval. <br />Exhibit 2