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The Police Chief, Fire Chief, or his or her designee, may seize, take, remove, or <br />cause to removed, at the expense of the owner, all Fireworks possessed or displayed in <br />violation of this article. <br />Sec. 14-55. - Violation and penalties. <br />(a) Violation of this article shall constitute grounds for issuance of an <br />administrative citation, designated as an infraction, and assessment of a fine. The City's <br />procedures on imposition of administrative fines, as described in Chapter 1 of thide, <br />are hereby incorporated in their entirety, as modified from time to time, ands all govern <br />the imposition, enforcement, collection, appeal, and review of administra ivL citations <br />issued under this section. Other remedies allowed by law may be used, including civil <br />action or prosecution as misdemeanor. <br />0- <br />(b) In accordance with the City's administrative fine schE.) le for violations of <br />Article II of Chapter 14, as set forth in Resolution No. 2016-03r each violation, the <br />amount of the penalty shall be One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). <br />y <br />(c) In the event the Fireworks are confiscat",&Hd must be disposed of by the <br />Police Chief, Fire Chief, or their designees, there shall 'be an additional charge of Two <br />Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) assessed for dispaskal fee. <br />(d) Each day of recurrence of an ation shall constitute a separate offense <br />and may be treated as such pursuant to thi ection. <br />(e) Any person who violatV ection 14-52 and any Host who violates section <br />14-53 shall be liable for the Response Costs relating to the violation. <br />(1) All Hoso violate section 14-53 in the same incident are jointly <br />and severally liablW the Response Costs relating to the violation. <br />IN <br />(2) person who violated this article is a minor, the responsible <br />parent(s) aoor guardian(s) of the minor and the minor themselves shall be jointly <br />and sex ly liable for the response costs incurred pursuant to this article. <br />A��(3) The amount of Response Costs constitutes a debt owed to the City. <br />O <br />(4) Notice of the Response Costs shall be served by first-class mail on <br />the person(s) and/or Host(s) liable for such costs. The notice shall contain the following <br />information: <br />Response Costs; <br />(A) The name of the person(s) and/or Host(s) that is liable for the <br />(B) The address of the property where the incident occurred; <br />Ordinance No. NS-XXX <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />