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NATO and its Santa Ana retail members share everyone's interest in keeping tobacco and electronic <br />smoking devices out of the hands of persons under 21 years old but banning all flavored products makes no <br />sense from a health standpoint or economic point of view. Indeed, Santa Ana's retailers are exemplary in <br />keeping tobacco products out of the hands of underage persons; according to the FDA, Santa Ana retailers <br />have a near-perfect 92% compliance record by refusing to sell to underage persons (see attached <br />spreadsheet.) Why would the City Council want to harm these responsible retailers and chase their <br />customers to other jurisdictions or to illicit markets? <br />We urge the City Council not to move forward with the proposed ban on flavored tobacco products. Thank <br />you for your consideration. <br />Sincerely, <br />Thomas A. Briant <br />NATO Executive Director <br />National Association of Tobacco Outlets,Inc.,17595 Kenwood Trail,Minneapolis,MN 55044 952-683-9270 <br />