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TUSTIN AVENUE/ROSE DRIVE <br />RTSSP GRANT APPLICATION OCTOBER 2019 <br />Project P Application Checklist Page <br />RTSSP Online Application – submitted through OCFundTracker <br />1.    Vehicle Miles Traveled <br />2.    Benefic Cost Ratio <br />3.    Project Characteristics <br />4.    Transportation Significance <br />5.    Maintenance of Effort <br />6.    Project Scale <br />7.    Number of Jurisdictions <br />8.    Current Project Readiness <br />9. Funding Over-Match <br /> 10.    Cabinet photos, equipment specifications, as-built drawings, cabinet drawings, etc. (if OCTA-Led)Flashdrive <br />Section 1: Key Technical Information <br />a.       Project Corridor Limits 1 <br />b.       Designation of the corridor to synchronize: Signal Synchronization Network corridor or Master <br />Plan of Arterial Highways corridor 1 <br />c.        Project start date and end date, including any commitment to operate signal synchronization <br />beyond the three year grant period <br />1 <br />d.       Signalized intersections that are part of the project 1 <br />e.       Traffic Forum members 1 <br />Section 2: Lead agency 2 <br />Section 3: Resolutions of support from the project’s Traffic Forum members 3 <br />Section 4: Preliminary plans for the proposed project by task (detail below) <br />The plans shall include details about both phases of the project: Primary Implementation (PI) and the Ongoing <br />Maintenance and Operations (O & M). The plan should be organized using the following setup. <br />Primary Implementation shall include details about the following: <br />Task 1: Project Administration (required)Pg. 4-5 <br />Task 2: Data Collection (required) <br />Task 3: Field Review and Plans Specifications and Estimates (required) <br />Task 4: Corridor "Before" Study (required) <br />Task 5: Signal Timing Optimization and Implementation (required) <br />Task 6: Corridor "After" Study (required) <br />Task 7: Sychronization System Construction (required) <br />Task 8: Project Report (required) <br />Task 9: On-going Operations and Maintenance (required) <br />Ongoing Maintenance and Operations (O&M) will begin after the Primary Implementation of the project is <br />completed. It shall include details about the following: Pg. 6 <br />a.       Monitoring and improving optimized signal timing (required) <br />b.       Communications and detection support (optional) <br />c.        O&M Final Memorandum (required) <br />Section 5: Funding Needs/Costs for Proposed Project by Task Pg. 6 <br />a. Table I: Summary of Improvements Pg. 7 <br />b. Table II: Detailed Improvement Breakdown Pg. 8 <br />Section 6: Project schedule for the 3 year grant period by task Pg. 9 <br />Section 7: Matching funds Pg. 10 <br />Section 8: Environmental clearances and other permits Pg. 11 <br />Section 9: Calculations used to develop selection criteria inputs Pg. 11-12 <br />Section 10: Any additional information deemed relevant by the applicant Pg. 13 <br />Appendices Pg. 14 <br />Project P Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program Application Checklist <br />Online <br />i