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City of Santa Ana <br />RFP: Hon7eless Navigation Center <br />III III <br />P Q <br />All project proposals must contain the following minimum submission requirements: <br />A. Nonprofit Organization: Respondents and partners must have achieved IRS <br />Section 501 (c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit status and California Revenue and Taxation <br />Code tax exempt nonprofit status before the start of the contract with Santa Ana, <br />Respondents must have been in existence for at least three (3) years. <br />1 ) Three (3) years of annual financial statements; <br />2) Nonprofit organizations are required to submit an accountant's compilation <br />report of financial statements. <br />3) References; Minimum of two (2) references associated with current contracts <br />demonstrating successful ability to complete the responsibilities outlined in this <br />RFP. <br />B, System Coordination. Respondent and partners must coordinate and participate in <br />the following manner or with the following agenGiP,3: <br />1) 2-1-1 Database <br />2) Coordinated Entry System (CES). Respondents of this RFP and related service <br />providers will be required to utilize and participate in CES as determined by the <br />City. <br />3) Memoranda of Understanding (MOU): If partnering with third -party <br />organizations for any portion of the proposed project, a MOU must be <br />Submitted, outlining the details of each partnership. <br />4) Utilization of Homeless Management Information System (HMIS): Service <br />providers will enter and maintain client data in the approved HMIS, as well as <br />obtain and report required programmatic information and data on a monthly <br />and annual basis. <br />C. Housing First, Respondents and partners must demonstrate a commitment to <br />ensuring the services created through award of this solicitation, follow the principles <br />of Housing First as outlined by HUD and the U.S. Interagency Council on <br />Homelessness, <br />1) Target Population: Respondents and partners must demonstrate a <br />commitment to assist individuals and households who meet the U.S. <br />Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) definition for <br />homeless and chronically homeless, <br />17 <br />