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Police Oversight Informational Report <br />September 7, 2021 <br />Page 5 <br />2 <br />0 <br />3 <br />7 <br />o Subpoena and require the attendance of witnesses and the production of <br />records pertinent to the investigation upon the affirmative vote of six <br />commissioners. <br />o Review and advise the Police Department in matters pertaining to police <br />policies and practices. <br />o Administer oaths to witnesses and take testimony. <br />o Submit written findings to the city manager and police chief. <br />o Review and investigate the death of an individual arising out of or in connection <br />with actions of a sworn police officer. <br />o Recommend to the city manager the provision of such staff as is necessary to <br />carry out the commission’s duties. <br />o Advise the city manager regarding performance of said staff. <br />o Submit an annual report to the City Council. <br />Membership: Nine Riverside residents are appointed by the Mayor and City <br />Council. Commissioners serve four-year terms and may only serve two terms for <br />a total of eight years. <br />Staff: Staff from the City Attorney's Office, City Manager’s Office, and Riverside <br />Police Department support the commission. <br />Annual Operating Budget: $264,541 <br />Survey Results <br />On May 11, 2021, staff shared a community feedback survey to ask residents to share <br />their sentiments relating to police oversight. Below is a summary of the results as of <br />Thursday, September 2, 2021: