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Police Oversight Informational Report <br />September 7, 2021 <br />Page 4 <br />2 <br />0 <br />3 <br />7 <br />Review the OPD’s policies, procedures, and general orders. <br />Propose changes and approve or reject OPD’s proposed changes, to those <br />policies, procedures, and General Orders that govern use of force, profiling, <br />and general assemblies. <br />The Commission’s proposed changes, and any rejections of the OPD’s <br />proposed changes would be subject to the City Council’s review and <br />approval. <br />Decides on the discipline when the Chief of Police and the Agency disagree <br />on findings and discipline. <br />Issue subpoenas to compel the production of book, papers, and documents <br />or testimony on matters pending before it. <br />o The Agency: <br />To investigate complaints of police misconduct and recommend discipline. <br />Receive, review, and prioritize all public complaints concerning the alleged <br />misconduct or failure to act of all OPD sworn staff, including complaints from <br />OPD’s non-sworn staff. <br />Investigate all public complaints related to the use of force, in-custody <br />deaths, profiling based on any of the protected characteristics identified by <br />federal, state, or local law, First Amendment assemblies such as resident <br />protests or marches, and policies and procedures on federal court orders. <br />Investigate any other alleged misconduct or failure to act of OPD sworn <br />staff, whether or not the sworn staff member is the subject of a public <br />complaint, as directed by the Commission. <br />Membership: <br />o Commission: Nine (9) unpaid volunteers from the community: seven (7) regular <br />members and two (2) alternates. Mayor recommends three (3) commissioners <br />and one (1) alternate while a selection panel recommends four (4) <br />commissioners and one (1) alternate, contingent upon City Council approval. <br />o Agency: Executive Director, three (3) intake technicians, one (1) supervisor, <br />one (1) policy analyst, six (6) investigators, and one (1) office assistant. <br />Annual Operating Budget: $4.1 million <br />City of Riverside, CA <br />City: Riverside, CA <br />Police Oversight Mechanism Name: Community Police Review Commission <br />Responsibilities: <br />o Advise the Mayor and City Council on all police/community relations issues. <br />o Conduct public outreach to educate the community on the purpose of the <br />commission. <br />o Receive complaints of alleged misconduct. <br />o Review and investigate all citizen complaints. <br />o Conduct hearings into allegations of police misconduct.