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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />RFP NO.: 21-059 <br />WATER WELL, PUMP AND MOTOR REHABILITATION AND REPAIR SERVICES <br />2. The copper cross -sectional area shall be at least as large as the original winding. <br />3. Resin Treatment: Windings shall be double -dipped with Class H varnish and baked. <br />4. Check all coils for overall coil shape. Perform a high frequency turn -to -turn dielectric test (surge test) <br />in accordance with IEEE 522. Submit test results to the City. This shall be done prior to installation <br />into the stator. <br />d. Motor Leads <br />Motor leads shall be replaced as the original leads. Leads will be permanently tagged with non-magnetic <br />markers. Lead lengths shall be identified by the City when a request for service is made. <br />e. Insulation <br />Windings shall be double -dipped with Class H varnish and baked. Insulation shall be tested phase -to - <br />phase and phase -to -ground at 1000 volts do and yield a one minute test result of 1000 meg-ohms or <br />better. <br />f. Final Test <br />A 1000 volt meg-ohm meter shall be used to verify insulation continuity. This reading shall be 100 meg- <br />ohms or greater and documented. After reassembly, motor shall be test -run at full voltage and <br />documentation of current reading and vibration readings shall be provided to the end user. (NOTE: a <br />5KV meg-ohm meter shall be used on all 4160V motors.) Copper DC resistance tests, phase -to -phase, <br />on rotor winding from slip rings shall be performed. If the rewound rotor fails to pass any test, the rotor <br />shall be rejected. The Contractor shall rebuild and retest until all tests are approved by the City. <br />8. WELL PUMPING REDEVELOPMENT SERVICES <br />Following mechanical redevelopment, the City may elect to have Contractor proceed with pumping <br />redevelopment which shall consist of intermittent pumping and surging of the well and discharging to <br />waste via permitted storm drain channels. The Contractor shall make adequate provisions for the disposal <br />of water pumped from the well during redevelopment and/or test pumping. Such provisions shall include, but <br />not be limited to, furnishing and installing discharge piping from the pumping unit of sufficient size and length <br />to conduct water to a point as designated by the City and upon request providing temporary storage tanks to <br />contain the discharge. <br />The Contractor shall also furnish acceptable orifices, meters or other approved devices, which will accurately <br />measure the pumping rate. Upon request, an airline complete with properly calibrated gage shall be provided <br />by the Contractor to measure the elevation of water in the well. Contractor may be required to collect pumped <br />groundwater into sedimentation tanks prior to discharge to a storm drain in order to comply with the <br />waste discharge requirements of the regulating agency(s). Redevelopment records shall be maintained <br />showing production rate, total acre footage discharged, and all other pertinent information concerning well <br />development. <br />9. PRODUCTION TESTING OF REHABILITATED WELLS <br />Upon request, the Contractor shall provide production testing of rehabilitated and or new wells to determine <br />the optimum rate of pumping and shall include a step drawdown test and a constant -rate discharge test in <br />accordance with AWWA A100-20 standards (latest edition). Prior to the start of the step drawdown test, a <br />period of at least 24 hours of non -pumping conditions shall be met following the pumping development <br />work. The Contractor shall provide qualified personnel during the step-drawdown and constant -rate <br />discharge test and shall ensure proper operation of the pumping test equipment and assist in water level <br />monitoring if requested by the City. <br />