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Item 28 - Water Well, Pump, and Motor Rehabilitation and Repair Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
08/17/2021 Regular
Item 28 - Water Well, Pump, and Motor Rehabilitation and Repair Services
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4/9/2024 11:53:28 AM
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8/17/2023 4:08:30 PM
City Clerk
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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />RFP NO.: 21-059 <br />WATER WELL, PUMP AND MOTOR REHABILITATION AND REPAIR SERVICES <br />a. Discharge Water <br />1. Discharge water shall be conveyed from the pump to the point of discharge at the well site. it is <br />imperative to ensure that no damage by flooding or erosion is caused to the chosen drainage <br />structure or water disposal site, or to nearby lands and/or streets. <br />2. The Contractor shall provide all piping and discharge lines. The point of discharge location will <br />be provided by the City and the Contractor will be responsible for all devices and piping to <br />convey the water to that discharge point. <br />3. No fluids will be permitted to flow offsite (except to proper drainage facilities) or to properties not <br />owned by the City. All discharges will meet the requirements of the City's NPDES permits and Orange <br />County Flood Control permits. <br />b. Step-Drawdown Test <br />1. Prior to starting the step-drawdown test in the well, the static water level shall be measured, <br />The well shall be "step" tested at rates determined by the City. The step-drawdown test for the well <br />is estimated to require approximately 12 pumping hours with each step being 3 to 4 hours in duration <br />unless specified otherwise. <br />2. The Contractor shall operate the pump and change the discharge as directed by the City. Both a gate <br />valve and an engine throttle shall control the discharge of the pump unless specified otherwise. <br />The discharge shall be controlled and maintained at approximately the desired discharge for each <br />step with an accuracy of plus or minus five (5) percent. <br />3. Pump discharge shall be measured with an instantaneous flow meter dial and a totalizer <br />meter and stopwatch, as approved by the City. Both an air -line and electric sounder shall be <br />furnished by the Contractor for water level measurements. During the step-drawdown test, the <br />Contractor shall record sand content measurements at 30-minute intervals. <br />c. Constant Rate Discharge Test <br />1. After a 24-hour recovery period from the end of the step-drawdown test, the City may request the <br />Contractor to perform a constant -rate discharge test. This test shall be run for a period of 24 hours, <br />or until the pumping level remains constant for at least 4 hours, or until the City terminates the test. <br />A recovery period of 24 hours shall follow the termination of the constant -rate discharge test, at which <br />time the City will collect residual drawdown (recovery) data. <br />2. During the constant -rate discharge test, the Contractor shall also conduct the final sand content <br />testing. The sand content shall be determined by averaging the results of samples collected at the <br />following times during the final pumping test: <br />i. Five (5) minutes after start of the test <br />ii. After 114 of the total planned test time has elapsed <br />iii. After 112 of the time has elapsed <br />iv. After 314 of the time has elapsed <br />V. Near the end of the pumping test <br />d. Aborted Tests <br />1. Whenever continuous pumping at a uniform rate has been specified, failure of pumping <br />operations for a period greater than one (1) percent of the elapsed pumping time shall require <br />suspension of the test until the water level in the pumped well has recovered to its original level. <br />2. Recovery shall be considered "complete" after the well has been allowed to rest for a period at least <br />equal to the elapsed pumping time of the aborted test, except that if any three (3) successive water <br />level measurements spaced at least 20 minutes apart show no further rise in the water level in the <br />pumped well, the test may be resumed immediately. <br />3. The City shall be the sole judge as to whether this latter condition exists. <br />
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