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May 13, 2021 Page 13 of 14 <br />For further clarification on the format and detail of the following data, refer to the <br />Implementation Questionnaire or contact your Selectron Technologies’ Project <br />Manager. <br />•Street names <br />•Observed holidays <br />•Extensions used for transfer functions <br />•Permit status codes and types <br />•Inspection types and descriptions <br />•Validations used for scheduling an inspection <br />•Correction codes and descriptions <br />•Permit numbering scheme <br /> Approve Channel Configuration <br />The Customer is responsible for approving the application design developed by <br />Selectron Technologies’ Project Manager. This includes reviewing: <br />•Call flow for the IVR solution <br />•Outbound messaging format <br />Once the channel design(s) have been approved, software development begins. <br />6.2.3. Provide Remote Network Access to Application Database(s) <br />In order to fully test the interactive solution, Selectron Technologies requires access to <br />Santa Ana’s application database(s) prior to installation. Selectron Technologies’ Project <br />Manager provides a Remote Access Questionnaire to help Santa Ana identify the <br />necessary requirements. <br />If remote access is not granted, the Customer should inform the Project Manager <br />immediately. While system installation can be successful without prior access to the <br />database, additional, post-installation development and testing time will be necessary, <br />significantly delaying system activation. <br />6.2.4. Provide System Access <br />Selectron Technologies requires access to the Customer’s network and database/ <br />system. Changing or deleting access accounts could lead to disruption in service for the <br />interactive solution and/or Selectron Technologies’ ability to provide timely support. <br />Please notify Selectron Technologies immediately if the accounts for the Application <br />Database, payment gateway or network are modified. Santa Ana is responsible for <br />providing Selectron with appropriate application database and payment gateway <br />network access as defined in the System Integration section. <br />Trusted Solutions. <br />Real Value.