TPM), easements documents, plats, plumbing, fire, dry utility plans and other documents as provided
<br />in the RFP Appendix (Attachment 1, Page 3 of ). As it pertains to the City's sewer and water facilities,
<br />addressing specific concerns of the Water Resources Division will be imperative. The review of sanitary
<br />sewer systems would generally include mainline and lateral design, materials, fittings, manholes,
<br />clean -outs, gas venting, backflow preventers, and other related appurtenances. The review of water
<br />improvements may involve domestic, reclaimed (limited per City infrastructure) and fire water design,
<br />materials, fittings, hydrants, air blow -offs / air and vacuum release valves, gate / butterfly valves,
<br />backflow preventers / detector checks, domestic and irrigation meters, and other related
<br />appurtenances. Typical item requirements to address general and specific Water Resources Division's
<br />concerns may include, but not limited to the following:
<br />Conformance with the latest revision of the City's Design Guidelines and Standard Drawings
<br />for Water and Sewer Facilities dated November 2020, including typical requirements such as
<br />for the inclusion of the latest standard water and sewer notes, utilizing standard construction
<br />notes/format, identification of applicant and engineer of record, legal description listing, drafting
<br />standards, etc. Specific department provisions may include items ranging from a signature
<br />block placement for the Water Resources Manager on the plans to specific provisions for lateral
<br />service connections to mainline depending on pipe size and material (hot taps, tee -cuts, etc.)
<br />2. Identification of all existing public/private water and sewer mainlines and service laterals, lateral
<br />centerline stationing, pipe size and material, meter size, location of sewer manholes and
<br />cleanouts, fire hydrants, backflow devices and easements on plan; identification of all proposed
<br />service lateral locations including centerline stationing, pipe size, material and slopes.
<br />3. Verification of proposed meter and lateral sizing (demand calculations), development
<br />contribution to sewer mainline, adequate line pressures for domestic water and fire service
<br />(pressure information on meters, hydrants, valves, etc., via the Automated Meter Infrastructure
<br />deployment or AMI when implemented by City), minimum horizontal and vertical pipe
<br />separations, minimum pipe cover, allowable pipe material specification, backflow protection for
<br />fire lines, potential dry/wet utility conflicts, sewer backflow and water pressure regulator valves,
<br />abandonments of existing unused services at the mainline, OCFA fire sprinkler requirements,
<br />manhole and cleanout placements, meter vault placements and clearances, facility placements
<br />within public/private property and easements, approved backflow devices, trenching and
<br />repairs, and other appurtenances.
<br />4. Specific water provisions such as allowance for 1" to 2" water service hot -taps to concrete
<br />(ACP) or steel mainlines with mandated joint -to -joint replacement of ACP pipe section with PVC
<br />pipe and "tee" fitting for larger water services; acceptable pipe material (PVC C900 DR-14); use
<br />of mechanical and flange joints as opposed to push -on connections; separate water (and sewer
<br />services) for commercial developments such as for services to individual units within a mini -
<br />mall (but case -by -case determination for high rise developments) with allowance for manifolds
<br />for 3" or larger service (per COA); no splicing of copper services; no deviation of sewer to water
<br />pipe separation (minimum 10' horizontal and 1' vertical between mainlines, and minimum 5'
<br />horizontal and V vertical between laterals) unless the deviation is cleared by Division of Drinking
<br />Water (DDW); abandonment of unused services to the corporation stop (per Std. Plan); and
<br />use of combined water and fire service meters limited to a 1" combination meter only.
<br />5. Specific sewer provision such as the use of transition couplers (Mission Clay) and stainless -
<br />steel bands for PVC lateral wye-connection to VCP sewer lines; acceptable pipe materials for
<br />sewer pipes (VCP or PVC SDR 26); minimum sewer (and water) separation from other utilities
<br />of 5' with separation of 2' to 3' acceptable for short segments only; sewer by-pass plans required
<br />for new 10" or 12" pipe connections; manhole use for 8" or larger laterals; construction potholing
<br />and CCTV required to locate utilities; and abandonment of unused services to mainline wye.
<br />16755 VON KARMAN AVENUE, SUITE 150, IRVINE, CA 92606 1 949,474.2330 1 ADAM5-STREETER,COM Page 10
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