Net General Fund Impact2FY20‐21 FY20‐21 FY20‐21 FY20‐21Original Updates Prior Midyear UpdatedBudget to Midyear** Updates BudgetBeginning Balance 70,822,050$ 11,046,654$ ‐$ 81,868,704$ Revenue 307,392,970 500,000 15,695,173 323,588,143 Expenditures (307,026,470) (8,334,040) 2,129,737 (313,230,773) Net Transfers (18,921,560) 2,351,900 (4,720,600) (21,290,260) Net Activity (18,555,060)$ (10,932,890)$ Estimated Ending Balance 52,266,990$ 70,935,814$ Operating Reserve (16.67% of annual revenue) (51,242,408) (53,858,793) Economic Uncertainty Reserve (minimum 1%) (1,000,000) (3,230,881) Estimated Available at June 30, 2021 24,582$ 13,846,139$ **Updates prior to Midyear include City Council approved items such as carryover of unspent FY19‐20appropriations, sale of the YMCA Building, funding for Clean & Safe, and COVID‐19 Testing.