Mid‐Year General Fund Revenues2DescriptionFY 19‐20 ActualsFY 20‐21 BudgetFY 20‐21 UpdateMid‐Year AdjustmentIncrease/(Decrease)Property Tax 73,510,275 75,914,000 76,624,612 710,612 Sales Tax 107,504,119 98,103,900 110,631,000 12,527,100 Half‐Cent Sales Tax (Safety) 2,110,558 2,420,900 2,232,800 (188,100) Hotel Visitor's Tax 7,739,780 5,730,000 4,250,000 (1,480,000) Utility User Tax 21,710,236 24,300,000 22,650,000 (1,650,000) Business Tax 13,031,757 9,210,000 9,300,000 90,000 Medical Marijuana Taxes 701,367 525,000 1,150,000 625,000 Commercial Cannabis 754,718 500,000 1,200,000 700,000 Adult‐Use Retail Business Cannabis 10,947,403 9,650,000 16,900,000 7,250,000 Paramedic Services Charge 7,188,651 8,300,000 5,500,000 (2,800,000) Parks, Recreation and Community Service Fees 1,584,037 1,887,100 380,863 (1,506,237) Planning and Building Fees 9,405,804 6,940,860 7,320,062 379,202 Parking Fines 5,111,477 4,000,000 4,900,000 900,000 Jail Revenue Facility 15,332,808 16,443,000 16,100,596 (342,404) AB 109 Revenues 472,159 ‐ 480,000 480,000 Other Revenue ‐ No Adjustments Needed 48,597,351 43,968,210 43,968,210 ‐ Total General Fund Revenue325,702,500 307,892,970 323,588,143 15,695,173