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The proposed project satisfies none of these categories. It is predominantly a housing project, i.e., not <br />local -serving retail or a school. The Revised Traffic Circulation Analysis estimates that the project would <br />generate 2,751 daily trips after an adjustment for internal capture, and 875 more daily trips than the <br />existing land use on the project site, i.e., much more than 110 daily trips. (Table 5-1, p. 19) <br />As the project fails to satisfy any of the City's three VMT screens, the City's Resolution requires a VMT <br />analysis with the Orange County Transportation Analysis Model ("OCTAM"). This OCTAM analysis is <br />required for this project and has not been done. <br />A Significant VMT Impact Must Be Mitigated <br />The Resolution states: <br />A Significant impact would occur if the project causes total daily VMT within the City to <br />be higher than the no project alternative under cumulative conditions. This analysis <br />should be performed using the 'project effect' method. <br />The Guidelines attached to the Resolution state: <br />Once a significant impact is identified, the project's VMT per capita should be mitigated <br />to be at or less than 15% below the existing Countywide VMT/SP. Mitigation should <br />consist of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures analyzed under a <br />VMT-reduction methodology consistent with Chapter 7 of the California Air Pollution <br />Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Mitigation <br />Measures (August 2010) and approved by the City's Traffic Engineering Division. <br />Since the City's Guidelines were adopted, CAPCOA has updated its guidance with the publication of its <br />Handbook for Analyzing Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions, Assessing Climate Vulnerabilities, and <br />Advancing Health and Equity: Designed for Local Governments, Communities, and Project Developers <br />(Final Draft, December 2021). This newer publication states: <br />The Handbook builds on CAPCOA's previous efforts to provide accurate and reliable <br />quantification measures. In 2010, CAPCOA published Quantifying Greenhouse Gas <br />Mitigation Measures: A Resource for Local Government to Assess Emissions Reductions <br />from Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measures (hereafter referred to as the "2010 <br />Handbook"). Since that time, climate science has evolved and GHG reduction practices <br />have advanced in sophistication. New priorities have also arisen, such as strengthening <br />climate resilience and infusing health and equity into integrated planning efforts. <br />Therefore, CAPCOA decided it was time to develop an updated and expanded resource <br />to provide the latest data and methods to quantify GHG emissions reductions, climate <br />change vulnerability reductions, and equity improvements in a single resource: The <br />Handbook. (p. 2-3) <br />The City's VMT Guidelines are best followed by applying the updated CALCOA Handbook. <br />Achieving significant VMT mitigation at this project site may be impossible. The Handbook includes 14 <br />quantified VMT reduction measures at the Project/Site scale (p. 63). 9 of the 14 measures involve trip <br />reduction projects that are not applicable to the predominantly residential character of the proposed <br />project. The other 5 measures include 3 land use measures and 2 parking measures. <br />5 <br />