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The land use measures are applicable to residential development include: <br />• T-1 Increase Residential Density, <br />• T-3 Provide Transit -Oriented Development, and <br />• T-4 Integrate Affordable and Below Market Rate Housing. <br />The proposed project is denser than the surrounding area (Measure T-1), and density is associated with <br />lower VMT. However, the Handbook states: "This measure is best quantified when applied to larger <br />developments and developments where the density is somewhat similar to the surrounding area due to <br />the underlying research being founded in data from the neighborhood." (p. 70) The VMT benefits of <br />density are highly correlated with being in walkable mixed -use neighborhoods. As shown in Figure 4, the <br />proposed project is not within a higher -density mixed use neighborhood. There appears to be no <br />housing of similar density in the neighborhood today. A large proportion of the land use is devoted to <br />autos including freeways, wide streets, and surface parking. In the immediate vicinity of the proposed <br />project, 4t" Street is a 6-lane divided roadway posted at 40 mph and Cabrillo Park Drive is a four -lane, <br />divided roadway posted at 35 mph (Revised Traffic Circulation Analysis, p. 8). Therefore, the VMT- <br />reduction benefits of density in this location are uncertain. <br />Figure 4: Project Vicinity <br />The proposed project is not a transit -oriented development (TOD) (Measure T-3). The Handbook states: <br />"TOD refers to projects built in compact, walkable areas that have easy access to public transit, ideally in <br />a location with a mix of uses, including housing, retail offices, and community facilities." As shown in <br />Figure 5, although most of the City of Santa Ana is within Transit Priority Areas (within a half mile of a <br />Metrolink Station and/or a High -Quality Bus Stop), but the proposed project is not. <br />N. <br />