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("„ hI Mo Town C:^ nt � 13A of vti, Saantis. Ana <br />Its v« w of I nv�mnm ntal NoNe A naly[�N <br />Page 2 of b <br />.kdfie 29, 2023 <br />They are insufficient to determine 24-hour weighted average noise metrics, such as Community <br />Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL), which is the basis of the noise standards in the City of Santa Ana <br />General Plan. <br />The selected monitoring locations do not represent noise conditions on the Lake Dianne <br />Apartments complex, which is located immediately northeast of the project site. The <br />apartments here represent the closest sensitive receivers to the sources of noise associated <br />with the project. <br />The monitoring locations selected for the baseline noise evaluation are almost all on busy <br />streets or close to freeways, which do not represent quieter locations that are set back and/or <br />shielded from major traffic routes — such as the apartments on the Lake Dianne property. <br />• In Table 4.9-4, the MEMU EIR provides "reference" CNEL values for an extensive list of road <br />segments around the Overlay Zone area, which have been calculated using the Federal Highway <br />Administration Noise Prediction Model. However, these projected noise levels are for hypothetical <br />off -site receivers located very close to busy streets (50-ft from the centerline) and do not help <br />characterize ambient noise conditions for receivers further away from major traffic routes and/or <br />shielded by intervening structures <br />THRESHOLDS OF SIGNIFICANCE <br />The noise impact assessment for the MEMU was based on thresholds of significance defined on <br />page 4.9-14 of the EIR. <br />• As we would expect, reference is made to Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines; however, the <br />significance thresholds themselves are problematic for the following reasons: <br />- Temporary/Periodic Impacts are Excluded <br />CEQA Guidelines require that both temporary/periodic and permanent noise impacts be <br />identified and addressed. However, the thresholds of significance proposed in the MEMU EIR <br />would apply to operational (permanent) noise impacts only. <br />- Increase of less than 3 dBA <br />The preparers propose that any increase in noise, whether temporary or long-term, should be <br />considered insignificant if it is less than 3 dBA. While it is true that a noise increase of 3 dBA <br />would not be discernable to most people, it is also possible that a 3 dBA increase could make <br />the difference between complying with local noise regulations (City of Santa Ana Municipal <br />Code and General Plan) and not. In other words, there may be situations where a 3 dBA <br />increase in noise level would — according to the CEQA Guidelines, as quoted on page 4.9-14 of <br />the EIR — constitute a "significant adverse impact". <br />- Increase of less than 3 dBA. more than 5 dBA <br />The MEMU EIR suggests that a noise level increase of more than 3 dBA but less than 5 dBA <br />should be considered less than significant so long as the CNEL at sensitive land uses, including <br />residential uses, is below 65. However, it would be quite possible for noise from the project to <br />exceed the allowed limits according to the Santa Ana Municipal Code while remaining well <br />below the proposed CNEL 65 significance threshold. <br />For example, the nighttime noise limit in the Municipal Code for continuous noise — such as air- <br />conditioning — is 50 dBA (SAMC Section 18-312), for receivers where the ambient (nighttime) <br />noise level is less than 50 dBA, which is likely the case for much of the Lake Dianne property. In <br />