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(C„ hI Mo Town C:^ nt � 13A of vti, Saantis. Ana <br />Rev«ew of l nv�mnmental NoNe A naly[�N <br />Page 3 of b <br />.kdfie 29, 2023 <br />this scenario, a continuous noise source that runs 24-hours per day and produces 53 dBA on the <br />neighboring property would be out of compliance with the Municipal Code, but would result in a <br />CNEL of less than 60. <br />Increase of 5 dBA or More <br />For noise level increases of 5 dBA or more, two different significance thresholds are presented <br />on page 4.9-1 of the MEMU EIR. One states simply that noise level increases of 5 dBA or more <br />should be considered significant, while the other states that noise level increases of 5 dBA or <br />more should only be considered significant if the resulting CNEL is 65 or higher. <br />We agree that a noise increase of 5 dBA or more caused by the Cabrillo Town Center project <br />should be considered significant. We do not agree than a 5 dBA noise level increase is only <br />significant if it also results in a CNEL of 65 or higher. <br />CONSTRUCTION NOISE IMPACTS <br />In the description of Impact 4.9-1 on page 4.9-15, the MEMU EIR states that the impact of noise due <br />to construction in the overlay zone could be substantial, even with mitigation, but that these <br />impacts should be considered less -than -significant because the noise of construction is temporary <br />and exempt from the noise limits in the Santa Ana Municipal Code (construction is one of the <br />exemptions listed in SAMC Section 18-314). <br />We agree that construction is temporary (even if a large project such as Cabrillo Town Center would <br />take years to build) and acknowledge the construction noise exemption in the Municipal Code. <br />Nonetheless, the characterization of construction noise impacts as less than significant is <br />inconsistent with the CEQA Guidelines as they are stated elsewhere in the MEMU EIR. According to <br />the fourth bullet point on page 4.9-14, implementation of the project may result in a significant <br />adverse impact on noise if the project would: <br />- Cause a substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity <br />above levels existing without the project. <br />CONSTRUCTION NOISE MITIGATION <br />On pages 4.9-17 and -18, the MEMU EIR provides a list of noise and vibration mitigation measures <br />prescribed for construction activities within the overlay zone. Beyond reiteration of the <br />construction hours restrictions in the Santa Ana Municipal Code (no construction after 8PM or <br />before 7AM Monday — Saturday, no construction on Sundays or Federal holidays), these mitigations <br />are often general/vague in nature and would likely be difficult or impossible to enforce in practice. <br />• For example, MM-OZ 4.9-2 includes requirements to: <br />- "Place noise -generating construction equipment and locate construction staging areas away <br />from sensitive uses, where feasible <br />- Schedule high noise -producing activities between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to <br />minimize disruption on sensitive uses <br />- Implement noise attenuation measures, which may include, but are not limited to, temporary <br />noise barriers or noise blankets around stationary construction noise sources" <br />Use of the phrase "where feasible" provides a workaround, allowing the construction crew to locate <br />equipment and stage materials as close as they see fit to sensitive neighbors. Similarly, there is no <br />