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Please note that even if a portion of the Participant's Plan loan value is transferred to the Alternate <br />Payee, no portion of the actual Plan loan (i.e., the obligation to pay it back) may be transferred to <br />the Alternate Payee. The Participant will have to pay back the entire loan. <br />If the DRO is silent on this matter, the Plan Administrator will administer the QDRO as if it specified <br />that the Participant's Plan loans will be excluded from the Participant's account balance for this <br />purpose. <br />Alternate Payee's Death: The DRO should specify that, if the Alternate Payee dies before <br />receiving payment of his/her entire benefit, the Plan shall pay any remaining benefits to the <br />Alternate Payee's beneficiary. If the DRO is silent on this matter, the Plan Administrator will <br />administer the DRO as if it included this default provision. <br />Participant's Death: The DRO should specify that the Participant's death shall not affect the <br />Alternate Payee's right to his/her benefits as provided in the QDRO. If the DRO is silent on this <br />matter, the Plan Administrator will administer the DRO as if it included this default provision. <br />QDRO Review and Determination Fee: To cover the cost of reviewing a DRO, the Plan <br />Administrator will deduct from the Participant's and/or the Alternate Payee's account balance a <br />one-time QDRO review and determination fee equal to $400. This fee applies even if QC does not <br />approve the DRO. <br />The DRO should specify, from among the following options, how the fee should be allocated <br />between the Participant's and/or the Alternate Payee's account balance: <br />• Divided equally between the Participant and the Alternate Payee; <br />• Charged entirely to the Participant; or <br />• Charged entirely to the Alternate Payee. <br />If the DRO is silent on this matter, the Plan Administrator will administer the DRO as if it specified <br />that the fee be divided equally between the Participant and Alternate Payee. <br />Regardless of how the DRO directs the fee to be allocated, when you first submit a DRO (regardless <br />of whether it is a draft or Executed DRO) to QC, the Plan Administrator will deduct the entire fee <br />from the Participant's account balance. If QC approves the DRO, the Plan Administrator will reduce <br />the amount of benefits assigned to the Alternate Payee by the portion of the fee, if any, that is <br />allocated to the Alternate Payee. <br />5. DRO REVIEW PROCESS <br />When you have prepared a DRO and you would like the Plan to enforce it, you must submit the DRO <br />to QC for review. To ensure timely receipt, DROs should be securely submitted at <br /> Please see the "CONTACT INFORMATION" section above for QC's contact <br />information. Consistent with these QDRO Procedures and as directed by the Plan Administrator, QC <br />will determine whether an Executed DRO qualifies as a QDRO, or whether a draft DRO would qualify <br />if it were executed. <br />The Plan Administrator will typically place a `hold" on the Participant's Plan benefit during the period of <br />the review to protect benefits that may be assigned to the Alternate Payee, as described in the <br />"BENEFIT HOLD / RESTRICTION" section below. <br />51 <br />City Council 19 — 54 9/19/2023 <br />