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5.1. Review of Draft DROs: The Plan Administrator will enforce only an Executed DRO that qualifies <br />as a QDRO. However, you may choose to submit a draft DRO to QC for review before having it <br />executed. Addressing potential issues in the DRO before having it executed reduces the likelihood <br />that you will need to submit multiple revised drafts to the court. <br />5.2. DRO is Rejected. If QC rejects a DRO, QC will promptly notify the Participant, Alternate Payee, <br />and their attorneys and/or representatives in writing, including the specific reason(s) why the DRO <br />failed to qualify. <br />5.2.1.Revise a Rejected DRO: Generally, interested parties will have an opportunity to revise a <br />rejected DRO and to resubmit it to QC for another review and determination. However, there <br />is a maximum period the Plan Administrator will "hold" a Participant's benefit during the DRO <br />review process, as described in the "BENEFIT HOLD / RESTRICTION" section below. <br />5.3. DRO is Approved. If QC determines that a DRO is a QDRO; QC will promptly send a Pre - <br />Approval Letter (for a draft DRO) or an Approval Letter (for an Executed DRO) to the Participant, <br />Alternate Payee, and their attorneys and/or representatives. <br />6. BENEFIT HOLD / RESTRICTION <br />The Plan Administrator will place a "hold" on the Participant's Plan benefit during the DRO review <br />process, as well as upon certain other triggering events. The hold will protect benefits that may be <br />assigned to an Alternate Payee by preventing the Participantfrom receiving any benefit payments from <br />the Plan. <br />6.1. Placing a Benefit Hold <br />QC will direct the Plan's recordkeeper to place a hold on a Participant's Plan benefit as soon as <br />administratively feasible after receiving any of the following: <br />f Draft DRO; <br />Executed DRO; <br />• Other court order that attempts to place a hold on, or assign partof, a Participant's Plan benefit <br />(e.g., temporary restraining order, income withholding order, etc.); <br />• Joinder or other similar court document that attempts to join the Plan as a party to a domestic <br />relations proceeding; <br />e Letter of adverse interest or other written notice from a potential Alternate Payee, or his/her <br />attorney, that the Alternate Payee has an interest in the Participant's Plan benefit; or <br />Plan Administrator's written direction to place a hold. <br />Divorce Decree --:QC will direct the recordkeeper to place a hold if it receives a divorce decree or <br />similar court order. <br />Please Note -- Simply requesting a copy of the Plan's QDRO Procedures or Model QDRO is not <br />sufficient to place a hold on a Participant's Plan benefit. <br />Generally, a benefit hold will continue until it is removed by a subsequent action, as described in <br />the subsection below. <br />6.2. Removing a Benefit Hold <br />52 <br />City Council 19 — 55 9/19/2023 <br />