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Item 35 - FY 2022 Emergency Management Performance Grant
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
11/07/2023 Regular
Item 35 - FY 2022 Emergency Management Performance Grant
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11/1/2023 1:48:15 PM
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11/1/2023 1:40:55 PM
City Clerk
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HSGP Appendix | 2023 Page A-13 <br />It is strongly recommended that, prior to the testing, acquisition, installation, or use of UAS detection <br />and/or mitigation systems, entities seek the advice of counsel experienced with both federal and state <br />criminal, surveillance, and communications laws. Entities should conduct their own legal and technical <br />analysis of each UAS detection and/or mitigation system and should not rely solely on vendors’ <br />representations of the systems’ legality or functionality. Please also see the DHS press release on this <br />topic for further information: Interagency Issues Advisory on Use of Technology to Detect and Mitigate <br />Unmanned Aircraft Systems | Homeland Security ( <br />Training (SHSP and UASI) <br />Allowable training-related costs under HSGP include the establishment, support, conduct, and attendance of <br />training specifically identified under the SHSP and UASI program and/or in conjunction with emergency <br />preparedness training by other federal agencies (e.g., HHS and Department of Transportation [DOT]). <br />Training conducted using HSGP funds should address a performance gap identified through an Integrated <br />Preparedness Plan (IPP) or other assessments (e.g., National Emergency Communications Plan [NECP] <br />Goal Assessments) and contribute to building a capability that will be evaluated through a formal exercise. <br />Any training or training gaps, including training related to under-represented, diverse populations that may <br />be more impacted by disasters, including children, seniors, individuals with disabilities or other access and <br />functional needs, individuals with diverse culture and language use, individuals with lower economic <br />capacity and other underserved populations, should be identified in an IPP and addressed in the state or <br />high-risk urban area training cycle. Emergency preparedness training related to those training gaps, <br />including related to under-represented, diverse populations that may be more impacted by disasters, is <br />allowable. Recipients are encouraged to use existing training rather than developing new courses. When <br />developing new courses, recipients are encouraged to apply the Analysis, Design, Development, <br />Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model of instructional design. <br />Recipients are also encouraged to utilize FEMA’s National Preparedness Course Catalog. Trainings include <br />programs or courses developed for and delivered by institutions and organizations funded by FEMA. This <br />includes the Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP), the Emergency Management Institute (EMI), and <br />FEMA’s Training Partner Programs, including the Continuing Training Grants (CTG), the National <br />Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC), the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC), and <br />other partners. <br />The catalog features a wide range of course topics in multiple delivery modes to meet FEMA’s mission <br />scope as well as the increasing training needs of federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal audiences. The <br />catalog can be accessed at NTED | National Preparedness Course Catalog Home <br />( <br />Some training activities require Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) Review, including <br />exercises, drills or trainings that require any type of land, water, or vegetation disturbance or building of <br />temporary structures or that are not located at facilities designed to conduct training and exercises. <br />Additional information on training requirements and EHP review can be found online at Environmental & <br />Historic Preservation Guidance for FEMA Grant Applications | <br />Exercises (SHSP and UASI) <br />Exercises conducted with grant funding should be managed and conducted consistent with Homeland <br />Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP). HSEEP guidance for exercise design, development, <br />conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning is located at Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation <br />Program |
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