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HSGP Appendix | 2023 Page A-14 <br />Some exercise activities require EHP review, including exercises, drills or trainings that require any type of <br />land, water, or vegetation disturbance or building of temporary structures or that are not located at facilities <br />designed to conduct training and exercises. Additional information on training requirements and EHP <br />review can be found online at Environmental & Historic Preservation Guidance for FEMA Grant <br />Applications | <br />Maintenance and Sustainment (SHSP, UASI, and OPSG) <br />Preparedness grant funds may be used to purchase maintenance contracts or agreements, warranty <br />coverage, licenses, and user fees. These contracts may exceed the period of performance if they are <br />purchased incidental to the original purchase of the system or equipment as long as the original purchase <br />of the system or equipment is consistent with that which is typically provided for, or available through, <br />these types of agreements, warranties, or contracts. When purchasing a stand-alone warranty or extending <br />an existing maintenance contract on an already-owned piece of equipment system, coverage purchased <br />may not exceed the period of performance of the award used to purchase the maintenance agreement or <br />warranty, and it may only cover equipment purchased with HSGP funds or for equipment dedicated for <br />HSGP-related purposes. As with warranties and maintenance agreements, this extends to licenses and <br />user fees as well. <br />The use of FEMA preparedness grant funds for maintenance contracts, warranties, repair or replacement <br />costs, upgrades, and user fees are allowable under all active and future grant awards, unless otherwise <br />noted. Except for maintenance plans or extended warranties purchased incidental to the original purchase <br />of the equipment, the period covered by maintenance or warranty plan must not exceed the POP of the <br />specific grant funds used to purchase the plan or warranty. <br />Grant funds are intended to support the Goal by funding projects that build and sustain the core <br />capabilities necessary to prevent, protect against, mitigate the effects of, and respond to those threats that <br />pose the greatest risk to the security of the Nation. In order to provide recipients the ability to meet this <br />objective, the policy set forth in FEMA’s IB 379, Guidance to State Administrative Agencies to Expedite <br />the Expenditure of Certain DHS/FEMA Grant Funding, initially for FY 2007-2011, allows for the <br />expansion of eligible maintenance and sustainment costs which must be in (1) direct support of existing <br />capabilities; (2) must be an otherwise allowable expenditure under the applicable grant program; (3) be <br />tied to one of the core capabilities in the five mission areas contained within the Goal, and (4) shareable <br />through the EMAC. Additionally, eligible costs may also be in support of equipment, training, and critical <br />resources that have previously been purchased with either federal grant or any other source of funding <br />other than FEMA preparedness grant program dollars. <br />Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities Allowable Costs (SHSP and UASI) <br />When identifying and selecting projects to meet the Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities <br />(LETPA) set-aside requirement, recipients are strongly encouraged to consult with the law enforcement <br />community and to consider the capabilities and resource requirements of law enforcement agencies and <br />their unique and central role in preventing and protecting against acts of terrorism. LETPAs can also <br />support a National Priority Area (e.g., an investment can be counted as supporting both the Soft <br />Targets/Crowded Places and LETPA minimum allocation requirements, if applicable). For FY 2023, the <br />LETPA set-aside requirement is 35% of SHSP and UASI awards. In particular, recipients should <br />consider investing in projects such as: <br />•Maturation and enhancement of designated state and major urban area fusion centers, including <br />information sharing and analysis, threat recognition, terrorist interdiction, and intelligence <br />analyst training and salaries (subject to certain conditions);