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Item 35 - FY 2022 Emergency Management Performance Grant
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
11/07/2023 Regular
Item 35 - FY 2022 Emergency Management Performance Grant
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11/1/2023 1:48:15 PM
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11/1/2023 1:40:55 PM
City Clerk
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HSGP Appendix | 2023 Page A-26 <br />complex data indexing, social media, open source, facial recognition, unmanned aircraft systems, <br />geographic information systems (GIS), license plate reader technologies, and other artificial <br />intelligence technologies. <br />•Interagency Collaboration: Fusion centers must maintain strong partnerships to enable <br />intelligence, operational, investigative, and analytic collaboration and deconfliction of threat <br />information with other partners located within their jurisdiction and across their region, including <br />HIDTAs, RISS Centers, DHS intelligence, operational, investigative, and analytic entities, FBI <br />Field Offices, JTTFs, and major city/county intelligence units. <br />State and urban area fusion centers receiving SHSP or UASI grant funds will be evaluated based on <br />compliance with the guidance and requirements for the National Network as set forth by DHS <br />Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) through the annual Fusion Center Assessment. <br />•Additional fusion center grant requirements are listed at <br />grant-program-hsgp. <br />•FEMA approved analyst courses that meet the grant requirement are listed at <br /> <br />Through the Program Performance Report (PPR), fusion centers will report on the compliance with <br />measurement requirements within the fusion centers through the annual Fusion Center Assessment <br />managed by DHS I&A and reported to FEMA. In addition to the activities identified in the National <br />Prevention Framework, fusion centers are also required to collaborate with those analytic, investigative, <br />and information-sharing entities focused on preventing, detecting, deterring, and disrupting acts of <br />terrorism and combating transnational criminal organizations. Such entities include, but are not limited to <br />JTTFs, Area Maritime Security Committees, Border Enforcement Security Task Forces, Integrated <br />Border Enforcement Teams, HIDTAs, and RISS Centers, as well as other federal intelligence, <br />operational, analytic, and investigative entities. Applicants will be required to provide information <br />regarding their information sharing partnerships, including how they will identify, address, and <br />overcome any existing laws, policies, and practices that prevent information sharing, via the <br />Information and Intelligence National Priority Investment and supporting data via the annual <br />Fusion Center Assessment. <br />Fusion Center Performance Measures <br />Reference <br />Number Performance Measures <br />2023.1 Percentage of federal Information Intelligence Reports (IIRs) originating from fusion center <br />information that address a specific Intelligence Community need <br />2023.2 Percentage of federal IIRs originating from fusion center information that the Intelligence <br />Community otherwise used in performing its mission (e.g., contained first-time reporting; <br />corroborated existing information; addressed a critical intelligence gap; or helped to define an issue <br />or target) <br />2023.3 Number of SARs vetted and submitted by fusion centers that result in the initiation or enhancement <br />of an investigation by the FBI <br />2023.4 Number of SAR vetted and submitted by fusion centers that involve an individual on the Watchlist <br />2023.5 Percentage of Requests for Information (RFIs) from the Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) for which <br />fusion centers provided information for a TSC case file <br />2023.6 Percentage of I&A Watchlist nominations that were initiated or updated existing case files based on <br />information provided by fusion centers
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