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EXHIBIT'B" <br />Strategic Support Services for Multiple Initiatives <br />PROPOSED COMPENSATION (FEE) <br />Silsby Strategic Advisors, Inc. is pleased to provide the following proposed compensation breakdown. <br />However, since the specific scope of all work is subject to change based upon the positioning of other <br />organizations or staff availability, services provided under this contract are proposed to be a combination <br />of lump sum and time and materials -based compensation structures. <br />For maximum flexibility, a contract totaling a not -to -exceed value of $50,000 is proposed be executed to <br />create a draw down pool for the time and materials efforts associated with the Scope of Work in Exhibit <br />"A" beyond the initial formulaic projection analyses. The proposed services will be performed or overseen <br />(if subconsultants) by Shane Silsby of Silsby Strategic Advisors, and he will be the primary point of contact <br />with the City. Key subconsultants will be utilized, as necessary, to provide additional expertise in the <br />targeted areas of third -party private development integration, project external financing, and light <br />architectural services for graphical concepts of building forms / scale. To implement these strategic <br />partnerships, flexibility is requested to re -align unused budget allocations from prior tasks to later tasks <br />while still delivering services within the overall not -to -exceed compensation amount. Likely targeted <br />strategic partners are Cannon Design, HDR Engineering, Michael Baker International, EY Financial Services, <br />Aztec Engineering, and JOA Group. <br />The breakdown for the compensation to support this proposal is: <br />TASK 1— FEDERAL FUNDING ANALYSES <br />Formulaic Projection Analyses / Summary Report [Lump Sum] _ $ 4,000 <br />Grant Matrix / Strategic Action Plans / Report [Est. Time: 50 hours at $300 / hour] _ $15,000 <br />TASK 2 — OWNER ADVISOR SERVICES FOR CIVIC CENTER MODERNIZATION <br />Meetings, coordination, analyses, and findings [Est. Time: 85 hours at $300 / hour] _ $25,500 <br />REIMBURSABLES <br />Other direct reimbursable expenses / materials / subconsultants (as approved) = 5,500 <br />Total Proposed Compensation / Fee $50,000 <br />Page 6 of 11 <br />