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A-2020-238-05A <br />INSURANCE NOT ON FILE <br />WORK MAY NOT PROCEED Contractor: SenseMakers LLC <br />CITY CLERK <br />DATE: <br />0 Pau, CAGREEMENT TO PROVIDE TRAINIG COURSES AND EXERCISES FOR THE <br />/ O�.Mor�nol�i <br />ANA HEIM / SANTA ANA URBAN AREA ON AN AS=NEEDED BASIS <br />Change Order 2020-238-05-1 <br />o On this date, October 10, 2023, SenseMakers LLC and the City of Santa Ana wish to modify the <br />services provided in Agreement A-2020-238-05. In accordance with the terms and conditions of said <br />r-a <br />© Agreement, the Parties wish to expand the scope of services to include 1) Cybersecurity training and <br />exercise services ($169,891.80) and 2) All Hazard Incident Management Team (AHIMT) training <br />CIO <br />and exercise course ($156,295.00). Pursuant to the Change Order clause 2(a), to maintain flexibility <br />that allows first responders to address emerging and unforeseeable threats, the City can modify the <br />existing scope of work for specialty and other ad -hoc training and exercises an as needed basis. This <br />modification does not change the overall not to exceed contract amount of $3,147,600 and <br />terms outlined in Agreement A-2020-238-05. <br />The parties mutually agree to update the agreement to including the following: <br />1. Section 1, SCOPE OF SERVICES, shall be modified as described and set forth in Exhibit B- <br />1, Costs, Training Classes and Exercises, attached hereto, and incorporated by reference to <br />this Change Order. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Change Order the date and year first <br />above written. <br />JENNIFE <br />erk <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />SONIA R. CARVALHO <br />City Attor <br />ney <br />By. <br />TAMARA BOGOSIAN <br />Senior Assistant City Attorney <br />SENSEMAKERS LLC <br />JIM BAILEY <br />President <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />%�A - <br />STEVEN A. MENDOZA <br />Acting City Manager <br />FOR APPROVAL: <br />f wee �i <br />VALENTIN <br />Chief of Police <br />