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EXI IIBIT B-1 <br />COSTS —'TRAINING CLASSES AND EXERCISES <br />I'RAININ() <br />Cuut,e Title <br />Description <br />Total Course <br />Cost <br />(rs li nugtnp <br />This course addresses all roles and <br />L•,'L 950 Incident <br />Si3,79; <br />Commander <br />responsibilities appropriate to it All -Hazards <br />Incident Commander operating in a local or <br />slaw -Level AHIMT. 'These rosponsibilitics fall <br />into Iwo categories: I) responding to the <br />incident and command needs of the incident, <br />and 2) of ctively Fulfilling the position <br />responsibilities ofon Incident Commander on <br />an AHIN.-IT. <br />hrl,. -952 Public InIbuuation <br />This course addresses all roles and <br />SIB,$Ob <br />officer <br />responsibilities appropriate to a All I lizards <br />Public Information Officer operating in it local <br />or state -level AHIMT. 'These responsibilities <br />tall into two categories: 1) responding to the <br />incident and command needs of the incident. <br />and 2) effectively flulhlling the position <br />responsibilities ofa Public lulbrmation Officer <br />on all AHIMT or sin -le resource. <br />E.-L. 954 Salcty Officer <br />This course addresses all roles and <br />518,800 <br />responsibilities appropriate to an All -Hazards <br />Safely O[licci operating in a meal or State -level <br />AHINIT or a single resource. These <br />responsibilities lall into two categories: 1) <br />responding to the incident and command needs <br />of the incident, and 2) effectively I'bIlilling the <br />position responsibilities ofan Safety Officer on <br />an .A I I1MT or as a single resource. <br />11I.-9561.iaisonoflicer <br />This courseaddrosscsall roles in( lresponaihiIitics� <br />517,999 <br />appropriate to ;i Liaison Officer operaing oil local or <br />State -Level AlH lazards ICS Incident Management <br />Team. These responxibi lilies fill into two <br />categories: I ) responding to the incident and the <br />conunand needs of the incident, and 2) eflceuvefy <br />fulfilling the position responsibilities ofa liaison <br />Officer on an AHINIT. <br />G'L- 958 Operations Section <br />The goal ofthis professional dcscfopmcnl <br />S18.500 <br />Chief' <br />course is to provide the local and state -level <br />emergency responders with an overview of kcy <br />