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FAFROSES <br />k) UiscUSsion-Based Exercises - focus on strategic, policy -oriented issues; facilitator's aruVor <br />presenters usually lead the discussion, peeping participants oat track towards meeting exercise <br />objectives. (*Nate: Estimated costs are cwtinple costs only and dlipict a range that cut <br />exercise ma y fall within, .Actual costs year vary and is dependent an the Size, scope, rand <br />Exercise <br />R:ta ,e i- (Nw <br />(N:stiman;d) <br />Scmintu' Seminars generally orient participants to, or $20,001) <br />provide an overview of, authorities, strategies, <br />plans, policies, procedures, protocols, resources, <br />concepts, and ideas. Seminars can he valuable <br />for entities that are developing or making major <br />changes to existing_plzins or prctccdures. <br />Workshop Although similar to seminars, workshops differ $20,400 <br />in two important aspects: 1, participant <br />interaction is increased, lind'2. locus is placed <br />on achieving or building it product. To be <br />effective, workshops should have clearly <br />defined objectives, products, or goals, and <br />should focus cn a soeailic issue. <br />Tabletop Tabletop Exercises (TTX) are intended to `15,000 <br />generate discussion of various issues regarding <br />a hypotbelical simulated emergency. They can <br />be used to enhance general awareness, validate <br />Platis flrtcd.procedures,whe;:arseconcepts, anchor <br />assess the types of systems needed to guide tic <br />prevention of. protection from, rnitigauou of, <br />response to, and recovery from a defined <br />incident. The effectiveness ora TTX is derived <br />from [lie energetic involvement of participants <br />zinc] their assessment of recommended revisions <br />to current policies, procedures, and plans; <br />thereiin'e facilitation is critical to weeping <br />t?artichmits focused on exercise obiecrivire. <br />