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B) Operation -Based Exercises - used to validate plans, policies, agreements, and procedures; <br />clarify roles and responsibilities; and identify resource gaps. Exercises ate characterized by <br />actual reaction to an exercise scenario, such as initiating communications or mobilizing <br />personnel and resources. ('Write: E-stimatect CoSCP are example vows nNfv and dellia a i-Clage <br />!hurt cart exereiee not iv ifl "Ithin..ielua( ecr_s1s eau verb and is dependent oil the size, scone, <br />curd iroriuhles involved with a par€ictdar exercise) <br />Exercise Type I Description <br />Grill A drill is a coordinated, supervised activity <br />usually employed to validate a specilic function <br />or capability in a single agency or organization. <br />Drills are commonly used to provide training on <br />new equipment, validate procedures. or practice <br />and maintain current skills. For every drill, <br />clearly defined plans, procedures, and protocols <br />need to be in place. Personnet aced to be <br />t'amiliar with those plans and trained in the <br />Il'OCesses and procedures to be drilled. <br />Functional h'unctional Exercises (FE) are designed to <br />validate and ovaluate capabilities, multiple <br />functions arid,'()]'sub-functions. or <br />interdependent groups orfimctions. FES are <br />typically ft/cusecl tan exercising plans, policies, <br />procedures, and staff members involved in <br />managenicnt, direction, Command, and control <br />runctions. An F-H is conducted in a realistic, <br />- ---- ---- real -unit' Onvirolullontt-ltowcvert M0vcIIIcnL Off - <br />_ _ _personnel and ecuipment is usually sirtnulntecl, <br />Full-Scale Full -Scale Exercises (i'SE) are typfcallythc <br />most complex and resource: -intrusive type of <br />exercise. They involve multiple agencies, <br />organizations, and Jurisdictions and validate <br />litany facets of preparedness. FSEs often <br />include many players operating under <br />cooperative systortls such as the Incident <br />Command System (ICS) or unified Command, <br />In an FSE, events are projected through an <br />exercise scenario with event Updates that drive <br />activityat the operational level. FSEs are <br />usually conducted in a real -tine, stressful <br />rnvironnim that is intended to mirror a teal <br />incident. Throughout the duration of €lie <br />exel'rise, many activities occur simultaneously. <br />Runt. ol'Cusi <br />(Estimated) <br />