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retail district that is regional in nature and is able to reasonably demonstrate <br />regional draw of consumers from neighboring cities and counties and <br />competitiveness in the region, or is an established business with a national <br />presence having at least fifty (50) or more locations nationally demonstrating <br />the following economic benefits: <br />a. Projected annual gross taxable revenue average of at least $5,000,000 <br />(five million); and <br />b. Commit to employing at least forty (40) full-time employees, of which a <br />minimum 20 percent (20%) of its employees who reside in Santa Ana; and <br />(2) Retain no less than ten percent (10%) of time slots within advertising cycle for <br />advertising of the business and products available on the Subject Property. <br />Business percentage to be programmed such that a business advertisement <br />is displayed once every two (2) minutes minimum; and <br />(3) In receipt of a preliminary approval letter of conformance from Caltrans for an <br />off -premise sign; and <br />(4) The applicant and business operator and the CITY shall enter into a Billboard <br />Operating Agreement as set forth in Section 41-1113 of this Chapter. <br />2. Effect o'F City Rg ug lat q.M ctri IJr velot mr_ai^t ®fP'oject. <br />Except as expressly provided in this AGREEMENT, all substantive and procedural requirements <br />and provisions contained in CITY's ordinances, specific plans, design guidelines, rules and <br />regulations, including, but not limited to zoning and building codes and approved billboard designs <br />on file with the Planning and Building Agency, in effect as of the effective date of this <br />AGREEMENT, shall apply to the construction and development of the Subject Property. <br />3. Oper°atinca R�iegarperots <br />The following covenants shall run with the: sites until such time as the billboard is removed <br />from the sites: <br />A. Covenants Regarding Operation and Maintenance. ('3PERATOR shall operate and <br />maintain the billboard in good working order and in accordance with all applicable laws, <br />including without limitation, the California Outdoor Advertising Act (California Business <br />and Professions Code Section 5200, et seq.) and California Department of Transportation <br />regulations and specifications adopted pursuant thereto (Title 4 California Code of <br />Regulations, Section 2240, et. seq.). <br />B. Maintenance. OPERATOR shall, at OPERA f OR's sole cost and expense, maintain and <br />repair or cause to be maintained and repaired the billboard and any and all security lighting <br />or appliances installed in accordance with any entitlements and building permits issued <br />by the CITY and any and all other applicable laws. The billboard and the sites shall be <br />kept free from the accumulation of debris and waste materials. All exterior painted <br />surfaces shall be maintained at all times in a clean and presentable manner, free from <br />chipping, cracking, peeling and defacing marks. All broken lights shall be immediately <br />repaired in order to prevent hazardous conditions and/or invitation for trespassers and <br />malicious mischief. Except during periods of construction, no lumber, trash, discarded <br />equipment or other debris shall be stored in areas visible from the street. <br />