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collected as of the date of the report. Report shall be provided no later than thirty (30) days <br />prior to the end of the calendar year. Reporting requirement shall be effective January 1, 2024. <br />OPERATOR shall maintain or cause to be maintained adequate accounting systems and <br />controls to insure that all gross revenue is recorded. OPERATOR shall keep or cause to be <br />kept true and accurate books and records for a period of seven years after end of the Term <br />as defined in Section 8 and all business transactions related to the Subject Property, and City <br />shall have the right, through its representatives and at all reasonable times, upon at least 7 <br />days' prior written notice to OPERATOR, to inspect such books and records. If such books <br />and records are not kept and maintained within a radius of 50 miles from the main office of <br />the City, upon request of City, OPERATOR shall make such books and records available to <br />City for inspection and audit at a location within that radius or OPERATOR shall pay to City <br />the reasonable and actual costs incurred by City in inspecting and auditing such books and <br />records, including but riot lirnited to travel, lodging and subsistence costs. <br />6. Past due date -- past duq_g?cmlltu; Lage interest. <br />A. Any OPERATOR entity or individual who fail;: to pay the billboard operating fees and Sales <br />Tax Shortage Payments required by this AGREEMENT when due shall be subject to past <br />due penalties and interest as set forth herein. <br />i. OPERATOR shall be considered past due if the required yearly operating agreement <br />fee is riot paid by the last day of the month following the month for which it is due. <br />ii. For failure to fully pay any yearly fee when due, the following past due penalty and late <br />interest charges shall be added to the unpaid balance amount owing: <br />1) A past due penalty of Ten Percent (10%) per month; <br />2) A late interest charge of One and One Half Percent (1.5%) per month added to the <br />unpaid balance amount: owing, inclusive of any prior past due penalty or late interest <br />charges accrued. <br />B. Outside of the original Sales Tax Shortage Payment invoice, CITY is not required to send <br />a past due notice or, otherbill or invoice to OPERATOR, or any other person subject to <br />the provisions of this AGREEMENT, and fMure to send such notice, bill or invoice shall <br />not affect the validity of any operating fee, late penalty or late interest charge due under <br />the provisions of this AGREEMENT. <br />7. Requirements for AIII Digii a[ Billboard. <br />A. Civic Promotions. OPERATOR agrees to provide free advertising time on the Digital <br />Billboard to City for the promotion of community events, tourism activity and events, and <br />other civic interests of the City. <br />i. Amount of Advertising Time for Civic Promotions. Following the Commencement Date, <br />OPERATOR shall permit City to place a maximum of ten (10) different civic promotion <br />and/or public service announcernent advertisements, as supplied by CITY, per year with <br />each advertisement running for as long and as many times as requested by the City within <br />the parameters as uncontracted space available allows for the entire Term of the <br />